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My Home Page

Welcome to the's just a few things I've written...I'm trying to get whatever I can up here but I am fairly busy and I've lost a few things I've so gimme a chance! And feel free to submit your own stuff! But for now, enjoy what's here, submit comments, whatever. I'm also interested in trying to get help int rying to make some of these songs, so if you got some ideas, send'em in. Also, I always consider these works in progress, some fo them are just plain not finished. All I'm saying is, don't be too hard! But please, lemme know what you think, I always value opinions...


OK. I know this site hasn't changes in a very, very long time, but I've been hella busy with school and work, so gimme, like, a whole lot more time to put my writing up here...thanks!!

Writing Pieces

First Star