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The Suggested Poetry of Trevor C. Daniels

Right now I am in germany...thusly updating was a little slow to come about. I am still in germany, but i got not-lazy. So, enjoy the new stuff strewn about everywhere. Like always you can reach me at Or on my AIM screenname Trevtor10 or you can without ever talking to me. Whatever you want man.

The Classic Roast

With the classic roast, you get a strong sample of the goings on in my head, as well as that natural flavor to which people just keep coming back.

If Poetry is Coffee, this is the Instant Mix

Written on computer. And it's not like it's just disinterested desensitized crap. But it certainly does not have the same feel as those which have been constantly edited on paper and crumpled, erased, stricken, etc. pressing keys is so much less work, and it shows.

The Green Book

the thing about the green book is that it wasn't green. it was blue.


I mean, it's still coffee...just doesn't give you that buzz. right?

Like that company that sends you different flavors every month.

Random notebooks. Random Subjects. Six Days in September and Gwenivere (whenever i rewrite it). The best stuff is in here, I think. Varied stuff.

I like this poem so much that it goes on the front page.


citrus perfume
and sudden despair
O, Gwenivere
No hesitation;
You left one night
In the summer air.

We had to meet
tangled in the sheets
you were water i could drink
a song that i could sing

confessions served
with bottled wine
sweet Gwenivere
you lingered;
smiled in a way that
sent shivers down my spine.

forgotten books
covers never cracked
listen gwenivere
i swear;
this is not real
it isn't how it looks.

O Gwenivere, where did we meet?
Wrapped up in my sheets?
You were water i could drink
A pretty song i could sing.

all poems copyright Trevor Daniels. Ask me before whatever with them.