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Garbage Overload
By:Katie Weber

Facts about US trash:

Four pounds of trash is produced by every single American each day. (Mostly paper and cardboard)
The country as a whole makes 20,000 tons each day.
Only 30% of recyclable paper is re-made into cereal boxes and cardboard boxes.
Annually, Americans dispose of 240 million tires, 16 billion disposable diapers, 2 billion razor blades, and 1.6 billion pens.
Almost 80% of daily trash produced by the public is recyclable but only 13% is actually recycled into something re-used in the future
Even though 90% of batteries are able to be recycled and reused, most Americans throw them out making them a leading cause in the surplus of lead in trash.
For the past 10 months, almost 500 tons of waste was processed to produce 20,000 tons of fertilizer but this is only a small fraction of what comes out of the United States each week.
The US burns more than 3/4 of the annual trash produced while Japan only burns 40-50 percent and recycles the rest.
The United States contains only 20% of the world's population but uses 80% of the world's natural resources.

How Long Does It Take For The Litter To Disinigrate??
     This chart shows that most recyclable materials take the
  longest to disappear into the environment

    Paper is the leading material found in our                    This beach is covered with fast food wrappers,
                             garbage                                                                 tires, bottles, and cans

                                                 Here are two pictures of trash that was carelessly thrown
                                                                    on the side of a scenic road

                                                 Is this something you want to see in your community?
                                                                                    Not me.

~*The Waste Management companies often say that recycling costs too much to enforce but this is expected when they would lose money for putting effort towards re-using materials. They also claim they cannot provide the services to collect both recyclable materials and trash.

~*Peter Grogan, the President of the National Recycling Coalition states "rural communities provide garbage collection, fire protection and mail service economically; its a fallacy to argue that they can't provide recycling services. In fact, there are trucks on the market right now that are specifically designed to provide combined recycling and trash collection for rural areas..." The CQ Researcher • March 20, 1992

There are many solutions to the problem but making any of them successful enough to make a difference is the challenge. Nevertheless, something needs to be done in order to ensure the health of Americans in the near future.

~*One idea I believe could work is hiring people who are in major need of a job and are unemployed and pay them to sort through trash to collect the excess bottles, cans and paper that can be re-used.
  • Offering jobs to those in desperate need of one will not only decrease the unemployment rate but will help to keep recycling a big part of the collection process.
  • It will benefit families who just do not have the money to even put food on the table.
  • Adding new jobs to the workforce will boost the economy in that sales will go up for equipment needed for the workers.
  • Illegal immigrants are being allowed to stay in the United States by President Bush if they are performing the jobs no one else wants.
~* Environmentalists say if Americans simply buy less and reuse what they already have, the United States would not be one of the most wasteful countries in the world.

~*Residents of Carroll County have experienced the negative effects of all the litter and trash piling up alongside the road.  Some make an effort to clean up the mess but in just days, it is back to the unpleasing sight of garbage. The motivation is very weak when the work done does not seem to be making an effect since people continue to through trash out the window.  The Gazette

~*There are laws that fine people who litter on public streets but how much are they being enforced? How can enforcements give drivers a ticket if they have to witness it happening? There are no cameras to catch them in the act so unless a police officer sees them discarding trash our of their car, it seems to have little effect.

~*Recycling has become easier since 1988 since consumers do not have to bring in their recyclable materials to the facilities, they can put it by the road alongside their trash. Even though this may seem simple, many families do not take part in the collection program.

~* In 1995,
"prices for recycled newsprint sank so low that some contractors simply dumped the paper they collected in landfills" The CQ Researcher • March 27, 1998 • Volume 8, Number 12

~* The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) explains that not all of the landfills where the waste is put today will be available in the next couple of decades. This means there will be so much garbage filling the landfill that they will have to open new ones, which could affect the people in the communities around it.

~* If the United States does not devise a plan that is faster at producing a visible result, it may be too late and become a huge health issue.

Imagine having a beautiful field by your home turned into a landfill and
covered with trash when some of that could have been
reused or recycled.

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