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Jason's website

Hey. My name is Jason. Let me describe myself a little. I play the drums, my favorite sport is football, I have red hair, I have ADHD which stand for Attention Deficite Hyperactivity Disorder. It means that I can't stay still for the life of me and I can't concentrate well at all. I can't really skateboard but I like to pretend I can, and I'm in a band called ADD. It is called ADD because 3 out of the 4 members of the band are diagnosed with ADD or some form of ADD (like ADHD) and I have a strong feeling the fourth person has it. The band members are me, Joel H, Justin D,and Noel C. I chose to be a drummer because everyone always loves the drummer. The drummer is the one that gets all the ladies. This next paragraph will be a list of all my friends. Men: Joel, Noel, Justin, Jason, Bryce, Nick G, Kyle, Quinn, Nathan, John, Cam, Alex, Michael, Phil, David, Karson, Hart, Tommy, Patrick, Steve, Doug, Neico, Zach, and many others. I'll update the list if I forgot you. Just let me know. Ladies: Jesse, Kathleen, Corrin, Dharma, Ellen, Ellen, Cassie, Anna, Amy, Katie, Annie, Allie, Chelsea, Erin, Caily, Lainey, Helena, Hiedi, Kaylyn, Emily, Gloria, Payton, Michelle, Megan, Miriam, Kristen, Karla, Whittney, and many others. I'll update the list if I forgot you. Just let me know. FAVORITES- book: That was then, this is now;; movie: Blacksheep or Tommy boy;; color: orange yellow or black;; band: idk;; hobby: playing drums;; subject in school: women;; real subject: language arts;; flower: sunflower;; drink: vanilla coke;; video game: nfl blitz;; tv show: csi;; place to go: san diego;; exclamation: WOOSH or SHWING;; make believe animal: dragon;; cartoon character: taz

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