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Krystal's Writing

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An Occurance at Owl Creek Bridge

In the story “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge,” by Ambroise Bierce, Peyton Farquhar, a loving husband, who is about to be hanged by the blue-coated Federals, imagines his escape in order to preserve his own life. For example, when Farquhar was falling to his death in front of his captures, he imagined the rope, holding his weight, broke and he escaped (Bierce,82). Farquhar, even when faced with death, will do anything to escape, even if it’s in his imagination. He had a wonderful life as a profuse plantation owner and a loving wife; he didn’t want it to end so soon. In addition, when Farquhar imagines himself desperately swimming down the river, he amazingly dodges the best marksman’s bullets (Bierce,86). Farquhar is imagining all the possibilities of him escaping from death, even the ones that are very fortuitous to escape from. He knew that if there was a chance to escape, that the Federals would never allow him to live. Futhermore, when Farquhar managed to miss the marksman’s bullets, the Federal Captain orders all of his men to shoot; when they all miss the floating body, Farquhar continues his illusional journey (Bierce,87). His self-preservation instincts will not give up and he still thinks there is a chance of survival. Farquhar was raised as a soldier; he was taught to be strong in everything that he did and to always fight for his life. As a result, even in imagination, people’s instincts will always conquer their fears.

In the Grimm Brother’s fairy-tale classic, “Hansel and Gretel,” Hansel realizes that self-preservation is an undefeatable instinct. For example, when Hansel and his sister Gretel over-hear their stepmother demanding their father to leave them in the woods, Hansel prepares for the worst and grabs a handful of bread crumbs ( Hansel feels that life is too precious to just let go of and will do anything in his ability to detain it. He loves his father and knows his father cares for them but his judgement is merely impared by money. In addition, when Hansel and Gretel are, once again, trapped in the woods, they desperately try to find their way out of the deep dark forest ( Even when Hansel is givin his sister’s and his own death, he is willing to be valiant for both of them and will use his human instincts to escape. Hansel grasps the concept that even when poor and neglected, you should always treat life like a jewel. Furthermore, when the evil witch seduces the children into her candy-coated house, Hansel and Gretel escape by pushing her into a burning fire ( This indicates that nobody, nomatter how evil or powerful, can take life away from them. They have mastered death twice and are not going to surrender to a depraved, child eating witch. As a result, no matter how small or poor, people should always follow their instincts and listen to their heart, for there might be a treasure in the outcome.

In the real-life event about an Urugauy rugby team, who crash into the cold and snowy Andes, must struggle to survive by turning to their self-preservation instincts. For example, when the Uragauy plane crashes into the mountains, the team tears the covers off the seats and takes clothes from the dead, in order to stay warm throughout the night (Alive,1996). Even when following their instincts, they can turn something so little into something so big like a simple seat cover or an article of clothing. Their need for survival was so strong, they put to use anything that can help them. In addition, when the rescue search is called off and the survivors are suffering from starvation, the only resource is to consume the meat off the frozen dead bodies (Alive,1996). They are willing to go to any length to stay alive even if it means to become a cannabal. They have a life waiting for them back home, if they can ever return from the devastating accident. Furthermore, when pricesly 67 days go by and there is still no sign of help, two brave men hike through the blizzards and snow storms to find rescue (Alive,1996). Even a little ice and snow will never hold them back from survival. All the hope they have, lies within their families and themselves and they are willing to risk their own lives for eachother. As a result, ice, cold, hot, sun, nomatter the conditions their undefeatable surivival instincts will save themselves and others.

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