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alrighty this whole burnttoast deal is getting kinda sour. were thinking about changing the name. we have some ideas in mind but ehh. keep visiting but burnttoast is slowly going downt he drain. i still need the drumset for rachel and karrah and i need to get together more (rachel too) to work on a shit load. call if you need to. i dont even know 5.3.03
sorry for the lack of update. nothing has been that exciting for us to post. i still have to put up our profiles and ill do that really soon, i promise. karrah had to get knee surgery and rachel is out of town. today karrah and i had a 4 hour practice and after finally seddling down from laughing we recorded like 30 seconds of our first song. now we have to finish it, put lyrics with it (which shouldnt be a problem seeing we each wrote like 8 books of crap), and get a drum part to it. itll be easy..i hope. rachel is getting the drumset tuesday so officiallly we will be updating you on full updates. probably not worth your time but hey ya gotta start somewhere. right?
last night karrah and i broke silence and hung til 9 last night sharing lyrics. we tuned together and played a little shit. we're now waiting for my slow ass to get the drumset to rachel. i'm still unsure if im going to play accoustic or bass. hard decision. anyways we're hoping to get together and combine some unfinished lyrics to put more shit up. the profiles will be updated soon. have a day!

everything is falling fast. erin and i (steff) stayed up til 2am last night working on everything. thanx erin. all the pages are being worked on so just sit tight the ride will soon begin. karrah is busy with track and rachel is busy with her insane schedule horse-back riding and skiing. im just the wallflower i guess. ill be working on the page a lot so come back soon to see our addicting lifestyles.

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ALL WORDS, IMAGES, SONGS, LYRICS, PAGES COPYRIGHT © ERIN ROTH 2003 and ©Burnttoast. Steffani Potter...