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About Us

Ever been to a state fair? Well the rides, hot dogs and cotton candy are only half of it. (The other half is run by the markters setting up their booths and giving out free stuff)

No, but seriously, there is a real meaning behind the state fair, it's us.

For the people of the 4-H community, its one of the highest honors, to be able to take your projects there to show.

Maybe you'll walk around the barns and see the horses and cows being prepped for show; their owners brushing down their manes and cleaning up their... droppings. Or see the dogs running around the arena under the directing hand of the judge.

If you've ever wondered who those people are, that's us, and why they're doing that stuff, here's why:


While in the 4-H community, not only are you exposed to great learning experiences and people with similar interests; you also get the chance to participate in a competition to show off your hard work.

You can pick projects in almost anything you want to learn about, or demonstrate your knowledge on. Anything that's not there you can enter under "Do Your Own Thing" or an "other" catagory, for things that aren't already there.

2)The Club

Once a month (usually a Sunday night)we meet in the Bloomington Police Department, on the second floor in the Osbourn room at 6:30. If we're not there we hold meetings at places we intend to visit, such as the Clinton Power Plant, the Ice Skating Rink and the Mclean County Historical Museum.


4-H also gives us a great chance to demonstrate leadership, we hold offices, President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Recreation Director and several others. Any of these positions, are, aside from great growing opportunities, great things to put on applications, resumes, etc. ;-)

As a member of 4-H you are also elidgible to be on a Federation Board, which is for the really envolved, wanting to have more power and control over their clubs and communities.