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When Somebody Gives You LVE
try not to
*poop* on it

Hola Everyone! You all can call me Michelle. If you've been my friend for over 2 days you probably recall my name was Amber. Yes that's right folks, the recent name change took place just a few days ago and for various personal reasons which I cannot discuss. So... Thanks so much for visiting my website. While you're looking around keep in mind that I'm still working on it. I'm not as good as some of my friends like Parris and Janelle are, but one day I will be greater than them, and my confidence in web and graphic design will earn me an enriched life with a job that pays $30/hr. For now, all I have is this little computer in my little chair in this little room in my little house and little ideas in my little mind. However... I've decided to make a website to prove to everyone just how awesome I really am... well maybe not, but hopefully you will enjoy it.

You will notice to the left the line of pictures going down. Each picture represents something about me, and if you click the picture, the link will take you to a page that's probably really interesting. Feel free to explore the site to your hearts delight. Thanks again for stopping by and I hope you enjoy yourself, but not too much.
♥ ~*Michelle*~ ♥


Seven Wonders of The World


*~*I'm one of them*~*