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Vash the Stampede

My Take of DBZ's Trunks, sept he's all Grown Up

This is de better Dragonball GT section!

All the Z fighters

Most of the GT fighters


Super Saiyan 4 Gogetta

Teen Gohon Powers Up

Super Saiyan 2 Gohon(kid)

Super Saiyan 2 Gohon(kid) kicks

Goku versus Bebivegeta

Super Saiyan 2 Goku

Super Saiyan 3 Goku

Super Saiyan 3 Goku Complete

Super Saiyan 4 Goku's Kamehameha (episode version)


Super Saiyan 4 Goku's KAMEHAMEHA

Forms of bebiGoku

Forms of bebiGoku2

Super Saiyan 5 Goku


Goku to Gohon poster

DBGT bebiGoku SuperSaiyan!

Goten and Trunks ATTACK

Teenager Goten(not up yet)

Teen Goten with his girlfriend, Paris

DBGT Goku, goten, gohon, and piccolo

Super Saiyan 2 Raditz

Super saiyan 4 goku

DBGT Teen Trunks

DBGT Teen Trunks

DBGT Teen Trunks

Teen Trunks SS2

Kid Trunks SS2

Majin Vegeta

DBGT Vegeta


Angel Gogetto

Stuff On my Old Page

Image Index

Art Gallery

Trip To China

hey, looky here! guess who...?


hey, looky here! guess who...?


K, here's what i've found so far on the power levels of the people in Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Dragonball GT, and Dragonball AF....

Saiyan is the normal form, when they still have black hair and black eyes. It's also the name of goku, or kakarot's, original race...however, the home planet of all saiyans was destroyed by Freeza.

Oomaru is the ape form of a Saiyan. They become this huge monkey/gorilla, and most saiyans cannot control their actions while in this unpredictable form. Any saiyan that still has his/her tail may become an Oomaru when they see a full moon (it doesn't necessarily have to be the earth's moon; for example, if they were on the moon the Earth could turn them into an oomaru).

Super Saiyan-Jin
When a saiyan becomes a super saiyan-jin, their hair spikes upwards, becomes yellow, and their eyes become a greenish blue. Their speed, agility, and strength increases tenfold from what they had in regular saiyan form.This level was first officially reached by Goku in his fight against Freeza.

Ultra Super Saiyan-jin
Ultra Super saiyan-jin have triple the muscle mass, and almost five times the power of a super saiya-jin. However, due to this heavier mass, the speed and agility of a saiyan while in ultra saiya-jin form is really, unbelievably, sloooooooow. This level was, i believe, what goku became when he fought Freeza, but it was officially first obtained by future Trunks and Vegeta.

Super Saiyan-Jin 2
Usually a saiyan-jin goes to Super saiyan-jin and then to super saiyan 2, but they can skip this. The hair becomes slightly longer and stands even straighter up; the yellowness of it becomes almost white; and the eyes become a more green-than-blue combination of colors. This level was first achieved by young Gohan while fighting Cell.

Super Saiya-Jin 3
Super saiya-jin 3 is what i believe to be the final super saiya-jin level. This is the last level where the hair turns yellow (although it grows to about knee length) and the eyes turn green. Only Goku and Gotenks were able to reach this level; Goku when he fought Janemba, and Gotenks while fighting Majin Boo(Buu?). In level 3, the power, energy, agility, and strength increases tenfold from level 2; however, this great increase takes a hell of a lot of energy from the saiyan and so they can only stay on level 3 for a short period of time.

Golden Oomaru
If a saiyan is in any of the super saiya-jin forms when he sees the moon, he becomes a Golden Oomaru. Their strength is incredible, as demonstrated by Goku as he smaked bebiVegeta all over the city....i dunt kno much about this level tho, but i do kno it's a DBGT creation.

Super Saiya-jin 4
After becoming a Golden Oomaru, through some sort of emotional trauma a saiyan can become a super saiya-jin 4. Their shoulders, arms, and abdominals become covered in a reddish fur, and they wear baggy blackish pants. Their eyes become rimmed in red, the irises become yellow, and their hair spikes upward slightly, although it remains black.This level was first obtained by Goku in DBGT; vegeta soon had bulma find an artificial method, and he reached the level shortly thereafter.

.....fusion of two Super saiya-jin 4...
i dunt kno if this is considered an official level or not, but i believe it is. When super saiya-jin 4 goku and super saiya-jin 4 vegeta fused together against Li Shen Long, the product, Super Gogeta, had slightly spiked red hair, the same eye color, and constantly emitted yellow energy. I dunt kno, but the fact that he had red hair....should make this a saiya-jin level as well.

Super Saiya-jin 5
ok....i dunt really kno about this level other than that it was probably first reached by Broli....