Groper at the Photo-Copier

Monday, 11/19/2001: Today, I encountered an idiotic, obnoxious pig at the copying machine:

Due to my home computer being broken, I'd gone to work at the public library. I was wearing latex gloves, as I had to type, a great deal, and wanted to avoid germs. Lucky I did so; for I encountered a hideous groper!:
Prior to getting onto a computer that day, I'd watched in dismay, as all three of the library's were occupied. I'd had to mail my credit card bill, in an emergency 2-day express, and had languished 20 minutes in an agonizingly slow queue of bumblers and mail-fumblers. Finally, having completed my task, I'd frantically rushed over to the library next door, only to find ALL "occupodo." I'd had to go meet somebody at exactly 3:45 PM, and so worried that I'd not have my full allotted hour, as I'd hoped. Frustrating, but I had to shop for food afterward. I'd have to leave early, if I ran out of time!
Two girls were at one, worrying me that they would use their hours consecutively, thus I'd have to wait 2 hours, instead of one! Another was taken by a woman at the adjacent computer; she seemed odd and twittery. Slow, too.
A middle-aged male, was at the PRIME computer, alongside the printer. He had the black "privacy" screen in place--a device which I've always found irritating, as I can't see a thing through that dank, black baffle-screen! He was printing one thing after another ( God only knows--maybe pornograpy! ). The woman kept coming over, saying, "You know, I think that's mine," and other things--all of which I'd found extremely excessive: if I had a copy to retrieve, I just came over, friendly, of course, but using as little dialogue as possible, with a minimum of words. I wouldn't want someone twittering like that, if I were busy! Just Come over, damn it, and shut up! Whew!

Finally, the two girls were done. It seemed that they were working on their fansite for Justin Timberlake, as they'd left a library copy of YM magazine, with him on the cover ( A site which I might well visit, someday! ).
I slowly set to arranging my things, hoping the male at the favorite computer would leave, but finally gave up, and set to work. The twittery woman eventually left, and another took her place.
I smoothly and expertly entered my own website, as well as my Yahoo! mail. I had to print out 3 of them, and set off for the printer to retrieve my xeroxes.
PROBLEM: The stupid male was SO-O-O-O-O territorial, that he wouldn't let me! I'd JUST printed these. They were clearly MINE. In a normal situation, there'd be only a minor dispute, maybe a brief clash of hands, not much of a scuffle. But here, the jerk kept grabbing my hand, to prevent me from removing MY copies! This was no accidental clash of hands competing for a paper; this was a deliberate grab of my hand! WHY? To prevent me from touching the paper?! The TWIT! I'd only just return it to him, if it wasn't mine! He just felt it perfectly all right in grabbing a stranger's hand! Sick! Sick! Sick! This pig had grabbed me ALL three times--consective, all the copies together; they were ALL obviously MINE, yet the pig had still pretended(?) to think that they were his! ( pornography, as I suspected? Jerk! )
It took me until I got home, hours later, to fully realize that the pig had done this deliberately! A groper?? Or simply an obnoxious, arrogant moron?? In any case, it explains why that other woman's body movements--in approaching the copier--had been so hesitant; had betrayed such fear and timidity! Why she'd had such trepidation! BEGGING to retrieve her copies! This realization outraged me, these hours later! I decided that if I ever encountered this jerk again, I'd not wimp out; I'd say, strongly: "You're violating my personal space! Keep your damn hand off of mine!" [ you damn, dirty ape! :) ]

I only hope that this will NOT result in my clashing with an innocent fellow patron! I always strive for good sharing habits in the workplace! Politeness, courtesy, and cooperation are all essential elements for a comfortable atmosphere in the workplace, or any environment where office supplies must be shared!

P.S. this drip looked a lot like Bill of Team Guido, from "The Amazing Race." COULDN'T be HIM, could it?? Nah! Even HE had better manners than that!

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Survivors of Abuse--Sexual, and other
Susan Brown Webpages
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