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5/19/02-Oaky, we have good news and bad news. We now have an mp3 up at . Go download it. That's good news. The bad news is that our leadsinger/frontman/keyboardist is moving to california on June 13th. The good news is that we found a new leadsinger/keyboardist, Matt Donatelli. Some more bad news is that Steve (our other guitarist) quit. Some more good news is that he left STP to concentrate on his other band, The B-Team All-Stars, who will be touring europe next summer. Some more bad news is that our drummer (John Fisher) quit because he needed to concentrate on his other band, Bitter Alice. Yet, some more good news is that Josh Kropeil (the drummer to Kika*) has decided to be our drummer. So that leaves us minus one guitarist. We are going to play without a second one for a while but if there is anyone who would like the job, email us at
5/14/02-Wow. For the people that came out to see us at the Aliquippa show (like the whole 5 of you) Small Town Parade would like to send out our condolences. We were absolutely terrible. There was way too much time in between the songs that we played. Well, it is more like a wake up call to us. We really need to practice more and work together better. After the show, the drummer to *better off dead* gave us some constructive criticism. We were overdue for it too. For our next concert we aren't going to play any covers at all. Come out to see us for the next show. Tell us if you like it. Later, Sadler
5/7/02-Okay, so The Show II is right around the corner (May 11th). Small Town Parade will be playing three originals and three covers. The originals are "Rainy Day", "Anyone", and "Dreams Collapse". The three covers are Jimmy Eat World's "The Middle", Incubus' "Mexico", and Weezer's "No One Else". It'll be cool. Practice is tonight at Fishers. We are only gonna work on the covers. Umm... (thinking thinking). Oh yeah, I finally got around to putting some pictures on the photos page. Check those out. They aren't half bad. I'll get some more up soon. Later, Sadler.
4/24/02-We have band practice tonight at Fishers. Deza won't be there though. We really need to match up drums with our music. We also have practice everyday next week except this coming weekend and next weekend because of prom and other stuff that we really don't need right now. sigh. I am in math class right now fixing some of the problems on the site that a certain someone pointed out. Anyway, i better go. Later, Sadler.
4/9/02-We have band practice this Saturday so I should have some good pictures for the bios and what-not once I get them developed. Hopefully we can record at least two songs during practice. If we accomplish some recording, i'll be able to convert them to mp3s and post them on our site. I can't believe how many people have visited this site. There is absolutely no content what-so-ever on here and we have already had nearly 90 people check out our site. Word spreads fast. Anyway, for The Show II, we are doing a cover of a band called Stairwell; You should check them out. They are on while you are on there, you might as well check out a band called . They sound pretty good plus, it's Deza's brothers band. Later, Sadler.
4/3/02-Okay, so the band finally decided to put up a website. Even though I don't know why considering we don't even have a solid recording down on drums yet and the fact that we only have two finished songs and about seven unfinished. I can't imagine people coming to a site with no pictures, no music, and no content, but whatever. Hopefully that will all change by the end of this month. I plan on taking some pictures at our next practice and getting the bios up within a week. Anyway, please sign our guest book because I'm curious on who sees this site. Later, Sadler.