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e LINKS – If he updated more often, he’d be a golden god. So, consequently, he’s only a moderately silver god.


Ninteeen is not the age of reason – Yes, I know she spelled it wrong, and that’s a-ok in my book. This is yesterdaystar’s blog, and while it’s not as boring as mine, you should read it.


standardeviation – Nicolios website. If she updated.


Gammacles – Chris Francis, international man of mystery...quiet...mysterious, and able to pick up ANY girl he wants...this person shares my loves for magic, music, and ‘rithmetic...great great friend. Read, now.


Nintendorks – This is the best Nintendo site, bar none, ever. Go. Now. Please.


Something Awful – Here’s the something awful website, which is pretty good and funny, but they’re no seanbaby.


Amelie – Probably my favorite movie, this website only partially hints at how amazing this film is. It’s one of those life changing’s that good.