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Welcome, my name is Adam. You probably know who I am because few know of my small corner of the web. I've only released the location to close friends of mine. So, if I personally gave you the URL for this place, then take pride in knowing I respect you as one of my more trusted friends. There have been the rare few that find me on the Angelfire Listings.. most of these people are jerks however, I hope you're not one of them.

Anyways, I'm 17, average height, average weight, glasses, dirty blonde, spiked hair... well I have a photo album that'll have pics of me anyway.

I'm single, not wanted, but I have my eye on someone, well I'm not a stalker or anything, but I have someone in mind, that's all.

I really enjoy playing video games of all sorts, I have a knack of totally blowing everyone's ass away at almost any video game, I'm just a gamer. I'm a quiet person, unless playing video games because I have a habit of cursing at the game when it gets tough.

I like to be a comforter, a teddy bear if you will, for other people, I like knowing that I can help make others feel better, but if I'm not praised for my efforts or if I fail in making others feel better, then I get upset. Basically, I feel like I'm not useful, it hurts.

I'm very weak, not strong at all, I'm smarter than I let on.. I could easily have much higher marks in school, but.. I have a problem with being lazy and not bothering to do work or hand it in.

I have a motley crue of friends, a lot of them are online ones though, most of them I'd like to meet, but it seems really unlikely. I'd like to be able to chase my dreams someday.

That's about it... not much else to say about me. Everything else, you can find in the journal.

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Always a favourite... B4U - DDR 1st Mix