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Natural Highs

~Falling in love.
~Having your 2:00 class cancelled on a beautiful day.
~Laughing so hard your face hurts.
~A great idea.
~A hot shower.
~No line at the super walmart.
~A special glance.
~Clean sheets.
~Getting mail.
~Falling asleep in the sun on a cool day.

~Taking a drive on a pretty road.
~Hugging a big teddy bear.
~Going out to dinner.
~Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.
~Walking out of your last final.
~An exam getting canceled at the last minute.
~Dozing with your cat in a sunbeam.
~Learning that the person you've been secretly admiring is madly in love with you.
~Waking up to birds chirping, sunshine, and clear blue sky...and it's a holiday.

~Dancing in the rain.
~Singing at the top of your lungs while driving.
~Sharing flannel pj's with your loved one.
~Reading love poetry to your loved one in a sidewalk cafe.
~Hearing your favorite song on the radio.
~Hot towels out of the dryer.
~Finding the sweater you want on sale for half price.
~Chocolate milkshake.
~A long distance phone call.
~A bubble bath.

~A good conversation.
~Finding a $20 bill in your coat from last winter.
~Laughing at yourself.
~Midnight phone calls that last for hours.
~Running throguh sprinklers.
~Laughing for absolutely no reason at all.
~Having someone tell you that you're beautiful.
~Laughing at an inside joke.

~Falling in love for the first time.
~Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you.
~Waking up and realizing that you still have a few hours left to sleep.
~Your first kiss.
~Making new friends or spending time with old ones.
~Sweet dreams.
~Hot chocolate.
~Road trips with friends.
~Swinging on swings.
~Watching a good movie cuddled up on the couch with someone you love.

~Song lyrics printed inside your new CD so you can sing along without feeling stupid.
~Going to a real good concert.
~Getting butterflies in your stomach every time you see that one person.
~Making eye contact with a cute stranger.
~Winning a real competative game.
~Making chocolate chip cookies.
~Having your friends send you home made cookies.
~Holding hands with someone you realy care about.
~Running into an old friend and realizing that some things (good or bad) never change.
~Discovering that love is unconditional and stronger than time.

~Riding the best roller coster over and over again.
~Hugging the person you love.
~Watching the expression on someones face when they open a much desired gift from you.
~Watching the sunrise.
~Being a senior.
~Not having an 8:00 class.
~Holding someone you love in front of a fireplace.
~A Saturday shopping trip with a good friend.
~Not Caring what others think about you.
~Squishing your feet in the sand on the beach.

~The smell of a cat that's been lying in the sun.
~Your lover whispering in your ear.
~Getting caught in the rain with someone you love.
~A cold pillow case on a 90 degree night.
~Going to the gym.
~Taking a nap on a rainy day and not feeling guilty.
~Singing a song to someone you love, even if its bad.
~8 hours sleep.
~The way you feel after an all-out crying fit.
~Sledding during a fresh snowfall.

~Hearing a song that reminds you of someone you love.
~Holding a kitten.
~When your boss says "Perfect".
~Pay day.
~Knowing someone really understands.
~Solving a problem.
~Watching a candle burn.
~Saying "I love you".
~Fresh wild-flowers.
~Slam Dunk 360 degrees.

~Putting on Birkenstocks after wearing high heels for the past few hours.
~Sipping coffee while watching a wicked lightning storm.
~Getting surprise email from a long-lost friend.
~Making someone you love belly laugh.
~Losing something you love and then finding it again.
~Watching TV in bed at 2:30 AM.
~That moment when mind-numbing fear leaves you.
~Exchanging smiles with someone you love across a across a crowded room.
~A back rub.

~The smell of coffee when you open a new can.
~Getting a raise.
~A kitten falling asleep on your lap.
~Having a good hair and/or makeup day.
~Looking up at the stars at night.
~Doing something you've been putting off and finding out it was easier than you thought it would be.
~Realising that life is okay without anti-depressants.
~Getting time all to yourself, away from everything and everybody.
~A perfect cup of coffee.

~Finding a bathroom when you've been holding it for record time.
~One word: adrenalin.
~Skydiving at 200 km/hr. Delta!
~A garden in bloom.
~Meeting someone for the first time, and understanding each other perfectly!
~A heart to heart with your bestest friend....
~Making love in the woods.
~Getting married the first time to some one you truely love on a beautiful blue-skied Maui day.
~Listening to the Moody Blues in the dark.

~Slow dancing with the one you love.
~When you wake in the morning and there is energy just oozing out of you and you feel fantastic.
~Gooshing mud between yer toes.
~Waking up naturally (no alarm clocks).
~Waking up thinking it's a workday and then remembering it's a weekend.
~Smelling a beautiful rose.
~Meeting his parents, and they actually like you!
~Making up with your girlfriend/boyfriend.
~Bungie Jumping!!!!
~Hearing the doctor say, "It's not as bad as we thought.".

~Waltzing in the street in the pouring summer rain.
~Eating only the middle out of an Oreo.
~Discovering a cozy cafe downtown that you've never been to.
~Doing something well that everyone told you was impossible.
~Strawberries and cream.
~Sitting on a porchswing on a cold, clear winter night with nothing but your pj's, a blanket and a mug of creamy, hot cocoa.
~The look on a child's face when they finally understand what you're teaching them.
~People who make you smile just by thinking of them.
~Reuniting with someone you love.
~Listening to a song that is "your" song when you are apart from your lover.

~When your true love is also your best friend.
~Seeing that someone for the first time that day.
~Knowing the last answer to the test without even thinking about it.
~Best friends, old memories, and plenty of laughs.
~Wearing your lover's shirt.
~Looking deep into your lover's eyes and know what each other's thoughts are.
~Watching your nasty boss leave the company forever.
~Getting a dozen red roses from your boyfriend for no expected reason.
~Hving someone play with your hair.
~Having a cat brush his nose hard against yours.
~Making secret arrangements to get married.
~Doing your last ever lab and thinking that maybe they weren't that bad after all.
~Realizing the police officer in your rear view mirror isn't pulling YOU over.
~Cute messages written in steam in the bathroom mirror.
~Watching him sleep.
~The smell of a freshly shaven man!
~Watching the crowd from the D.J stand!!!
~Watching "Sense and Sensibilities" quietly, alone.
~Having your cat "groom" your hair.
~Having your boyfriend think it's cool you're getting your PhD.
~Having a hunch about something that prove to come to light three years later.
~Having your boyfriend sing a love song to you (even though he can't sing).
~Falling in love, for the second time, with the same person.
~Cappucino in a quiet but classy hotel overlooking the city.
~When SHE asks you to dance.
~A large squishy teddy bear at the bottom of the bed.
~Returning to your college and having it feel like "home".
~Passing notes in class.
~A really good sneeze.
~Having someone you are VERY attracted to so close you can feel the heat coming from them - and not doing a thing.

~A foot massage.
~Sneaking into the local monastery of nuns before breakfast on Valentine's Day and leaving 30 anonymous Valentines at their place settings.
~Working with five scented candles burning at my desk!
~Eating honey directly out of the honey pot with your fingers.
~Hearing "You're hired" for the very first time.
~Passing Algebra.
~The night before a day you are looking forward to.
~Lying toe to toe playing with each others feet.
~Reading my old highschool diaries.
~Giving your girlfriend her first rose.

~Having a teacher read your essay in front of the class as an example of a superior paper.
~The look on his face when I drove 3 hours to surprise him for the day!
~Looking at your test and realizing the professor made a mistake -- I got a C, not a D+!!!
~A wink from the one you love when no one else is looking.
~Realizing someone is eavesdropping and deciding to make the conversation interesting.
~Screaming REALLY loud while watching a cheesy horror movie with your best friend.
~Popping the little plastic bubbles in bubblewrap, one at a time.
~Sitting on the front porch swing on a cool summer night.
~Lying in bed and watching cartoons for hours.
~When your lover speaks his love to you in a foreign language.

~The power going out in a computer lab, just after you have saved your big paper!
~Being at the last class of your proffesional degree, after 5 years of hating them you really enjoy the last one.
~Playing soccer in all the floors of your dorm hall, and not getting caught.
~Having a pizza and must see tv night in your friends dorm room with 15 other people.
~Going to the zoo on a perfect sunny day.
~Finding out that it's possible to be "one of the guys" even though you're a girl.
~Sitting on the roof of your best friends car, watching fireworks under a blanket while eating and listening to music.
~Going skiing when it's just snowed, on a sunny day.
~Realizing that perfect love isn't just something you read about in steamy romance novels.
~Comming home from college and meeting your high schools friends at the famous hangout and talking and laughing until 4:00 in the morning, wishing that would last all night.

~Walking through a toy store.
~Going to fun-fairs.
~A suprisingly large tax refund.
~Cobblestone streets.
~Flowing formal dresses that make you feel like a princess.
~The back of his neck.
~Dying Easter eggs with your boyfriend, and it was his idea!
~Getting the job interview you wanted and having your boyfriend ride along with you for a two hours for moral support.
~Scuba Diving.
~ Painting your toe nails like a rainbow.