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Drink Description
Coffee Named after the country in which it was grown. Often the name is made up of several words which might include the grade of the coffee or the growing region.

How to make the world's best cup of coffee?

*Grind the coffee grains from coarse to very coarse.
*Boil in a pan a litre of water (four cups).br *When the water is boiling, turn off the stove and add 8-12 table spoons of coffee (2-3 spoons per each cup).
*Add two-three teaspoons of sugar per cup (for a total of 8-12 spoons of sugar).
*Stir very slowly (the water is so hot that the sugar dissolves mostly on its own).
Let the coffee rest for about 5 minutes. Strain the coffee using a metal strainer! Like the ones used for cooking.
The strainer should be like the ones used by granny for making tea. The diameter is a bit smaller that a cup, with a semi-sphere shape.
*This coffee has grit in the bottom, even after being strained. Therefore do not stir the pot or the cup. If the coffee is shaked, let it rest for about five minutes. Needless to say, do not drink the last sip of coffee from the cup: it's all grit. If you want to add milk, add carnation.

Warning: This coffee may fool you 'cause it has a very smooth taste but is extremely strong. Caffeine content per millilitre is right there with espresso, but you can't tell!

This type of coffee is similar in nature to the French press. And in principle, you could possibly add sugar to the ground coffee, then pour water, and lastly press with the strainer.

Espresso A brewing method that involves forcing pressurized water through finely ground coffee to extract the most flavorful oils of the coffee. It is an intense and full-flavored brew.

A single serving is 1 1/2 ounces.

How to make an Espresso?

*Get good dark roasted espresso beans, imported Italian brand if you can find it.
*Pack your strainer real full. Pack it hard. your instructions will say NOT to pack it, but don't listen.
*Don't use too much water. Espresso in Italy is as thick as syrup. Very thick.
*Add two spoons of sugar, it's a sweet, thick liquid in Italy.
*Drink fast.

Espresso Doppio A double serving of espresso.

A single serving is 3-4 ounces.

Cappuccino 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk, 1/3 frothed milk served in a 5 ounce pre-heated cup.

People prepare cappuccino in many different ways, and in their very own way each one of them is correct. The following recipe, which is commonly used in Latin countries, has been tasted by several of my North-American friends and they unanimously agreed that cappuccino prepared using this recipe tastes much better than the standard fare in USA/Canada.

*Start with cold milk (it doesn't really need to be ice-cold), use homo milk or carnation. 2% or skim is just not thick enough (admittedly, it is easier to produce foam with skim milk).
*Place the milk on a special cappuccino glass with a cappuccino basket. (Cappuccino glasses have a thinner bottom).
*Aerate the milk near the top, within 2cm (1 in) of the top. Move the glass down as the milk aerates. It is a good idea to have an oscillating motion while aerating the milk.
-Aerating the milk in another container, then pouring in a glass and adding the foam with a spoon is sacrilege.
-If you need to aerate the milk on a separate container, aerate exactly the amount of milk required for one cup, so no need to add foam with a spoon.
-Once the milk has been aerated, promptly clean the aerator with a wet rag. Failure to do so will quickly result in rotten milk flavour coming from the aerator.

*Wait for the steam pressure to build up again (for some cappuccino makers wait time is near zero, for others it maybe as long as 60 secs).
*Prepare the espresso coffee, you may add it directly on to the glass if possible or use a cup and then pour it from the cup on the milk.

Cappuccino tastes better when is really hot, and has two teaspoons of sugar. (small teaspoons, like the ones in expensive silverware).

Mocha Similar to Cappuccino except powered cocoa or chocolate syrup is dissolved in the cold milk before it is frothed.
Caffe' Latte 1/3 expresso, 2/3 steamed milk.
Latte Macchiato A glass of steamed milk with a single server of espresso bribbled over the top to 'mark' the milk with espresso.
Steamer Steamed milk that has been flavored with syrup, served without espresso.
Turkish Coffee Turkish coffee is prepared using a little copper pot called Raqwa.

*Use a heaping teaspoon of very finely ground coffee and, optionally, one heaping teaspoon of sugar (to taste). Use about 3oz of coffee. [Add the sugar only just before boiling point.] Turkish coffee without sugar is called sade, with a little sugar is "orta s,ekerli" and with lots of sugar is "c,ok s,ekerli".

*The trick of it is to heat it until it froths pour the froth into the coffee dup and heat it a second time. When it froths again, pour the rest into the cup.

*The grounds will settle to the bottom of the cup as you drink the coffee and towards the end, it'll start to taste bitter and the texture will be more like wet coffee grounds than a drink. As soon as this happens stop or your next sip will taste really, really bitter. Instead, turn your cup upside down on the saucer, and let someone read your fortune!

Thai Iced Coffee *Make very strong coffee (50-100% more coffee to water than usual), use something like Cafe Du Monde which has chicory in it.
*Pour 6-8 oz into cup and add about 1 Tbs sweetened condensed milk. Stir, then pour over ice. You'll have to experiment with the strength and milk so you get lots of taste after the ice/water dilutes it.

There is also a stronger version of Thai coffee called "Oleng" which is very strong to me and to a lot of coffee lovers.

*6 to 8 tablespoons ground espresso or French roast coffee 4 to 6 green cardamom pods, crushed Sugar to taste Half-and-half or cream Ice cubes.
*Put the cardamom pods and the ground dark-roast coffee into a coffee press, espresso maker, or the filter of a drip coffee maker (if using a drip-style coffee maker, use half the water). Brew coffee as for espresso, stir in sugar.
*Fill a large glass with ice and pour coffee over ice, leaving about 1/2 inch at the top. Place a spoon at the surface of the coffee and slowly pour half-and-half or cream into the spoon, so that it spreads across the top of the coffee rather than sinking in. (You'll stir it in yourself anyway, but this is a much prettier presentation and it's as used in most Thai restaurants.)

Vietnamese Iced Coffee *Make even stronger coffee, preferably in a Vietnamese coffee maker. (This is a metal cylinder with tiny holes in the bottom and a perforated disc that fits into it; you put coffee in the bottom of the cylinder, place the disc atop it, then fill with boiling water and a very rich infusion of coffee drips slowly from the bottom.)
* If you are using a Vietnamese coffee maker, put two tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk in the bottom of a cup and put the coffee maker on top of the cup.
*When the milk is dissolved in the coffee, pour the combination over ice and sip. Thai and Vietnamese coffees are very different.