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Teddy Bear Quotes:

~A teddy is a cuddle with paws at the end. (Gill Davies)
~The teddy bear…Little soft thing sent forth to make his simple way in a world so slow to hug. (Jeanne Wylie Torosian)

~Just knowing that your teddy bear is home waiting at the day’s end makes each day happier. (Ted Menten)
~A teddy is on your side. (M. R. C)
~Teddies never let you down. (Allen Frewin Jones)
~Teddies do not need to be new or handsome, they just need to be there. (Cheryl A. Hingley)
~Bears doze a little, but never really sleep. They take their job as protectors very seriously. (Mercia Tweedale)
~You know his eyes are colored glass. Then why does he look so desperately disconsolate when you go out and leave him behind? (Pam Brown)
~It’s hard to visualize toys you had fifty years ago, all save bear. He’s as clear as if he were sitting on the desk in front of you…Of course….He probably is. (Pam Brown)
~A bear is as alive as you need him to be. (Peter Gray)

~All you have between you and “The Dark” is Bear.(Helen Thomson)
~A washed bear is not a happy bear. There are few sadder sights than a wet bear hanging from the washing line by its ears. (Pam Brown)
~No one with a heart can leave a teddy bear lying face down. (Jane Swan)
~A bear’s chief nightmare is being left behind. (Alex Levy)
~Children touching bears in shops are not being naughty or destructive, they are judging softness – very, very gently. (Pam Brown)
~You have to wonder – what does the Human Race lack that has to be compensated for by bears? (Pam Brown)
~One bear at bedtime is all I need. (Mick Inkpen)
~World governments needs bears. (Helen Exley)
~Warmth, love, happiness and security. The furry faces are a constant reminder of the childhood joy that lies within each of us, just waiting to be awakened. (Author unknown)
~One never quite gets over a lost bear. (Jane Swan)

~Bears help people get through hard times. They have gone to the hospital and climbed mountains with their owners. (Martha Hewson)
~Teddy is the soft, furry companion who keeps loneliness at bay. (Cheryl A. Hingley)
~It takes a lot of loving to turn a shop bear into a friend. (Pam Brown)
~Teddy bears are innocent, clean-living, upstanding citizens. (Anonymous)
~Collecting bears is a most enjoyable pastime. It appeals to the hunting instinct (without cruelty). (Colonel Robert Henderson)
~Teddy bears are bear-shaped security blankets. (Peggy and Alan Bialosky)
~Teddy bear brains are remarkable for remembering only good things. (Peggy and Alan Bialosky)
~A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise. (A. A. Milne)
~A teddy bear in the hand is worth ten in the shop. (Anonymous)
~The teddy bear is the king of all stuffed beasts and all other toys. (National Geography)

~Teddies flew as wartime mascots in Spitfire cockpits, and also went into battle perched on guns, tanks and ships. (Time)
~The bear is a symbol of independence and nobility. (Jean-Charles De Castelbajac)
~No teddy bear lover would ever refer to their little furry friend as ‘it’. For as a number of psychologists have observed, the teddy is a curious asexual creature, and the choice of whether it be male or female is very much at the discretion of the owner. (Nursery world)
~Teddy bears are so much cheaper than a psychiatrist and not nearly so supercilious. (Peter Bull)
~Teddies go everywhere and do everything. There is not one corner of the globe that they have not penetrated. Their appeal is universal and to all ages. (Margaret Hutchings)