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Why this guild is so great

The Neopian Society Guild's Community!

Hey! Welcome to the guild homepage! Here you can play games, chat (click on the Society link, and find your way from there) look at our pets, and find out about other members! I hope you enjoy yourself, and please click on the feedback button to give me ideas! Everyone needs to have a say in this guild, so please help me out with whatever! Enjoy your time...and thank you so much.


Psst! Hey you...need answers? Check these out....

If you are feeling like you don't really know what to do in this guild, click *here* to get a list of activities that may interest you!

Hey guys come check this out!

Here u can post an ad for things your trying to get or get rid of!

Go *here* to donate np's to your guild!

get this gear!

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What's New
Attention Ambitious people!
Want tp be part of the council? Apply today! Are you man/women enough for the job? We'll see... and if you would like your rank changes, get in touch with Queenheather2... she'll tell you something you need to do.. and it is different for everyone! Have fun!
