low time news

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april 15 - yo its the one the only curtin spring is here trails start and all that good shit but i dont really ride trail but most of the team does so yes its that time again just to the trail behind gregs r up n runing so i hear but im to lazy to see so ill take there word for it. i thinking about working on 123 for a little so kids want to build so trail so i thought what the fuck. so im gona watch over that n shit tell u how it goes the set thats up there should be runing in a week or so the concert part has a ramp from some sk8 boards im guess thats kool maybe there will be more. the one n only scotty is in the new transworld bmx again wit a pic n a pro standing of 9th in the metro jam. way to be every one is talking about him now so im hoping there will be more on him. biggins is crazy as hell geting a ticket for sound shit while having a party at his house thats shit but wat the fuck its a party so since i have a lot of free time ill be working on the site alittle more steal frats cam n put so pics up u know. later n ride more nigger MARCH 9 - yo yo whats shakin. its that time of year again...march 9. spring is close boys. and boy o boy baby it was warm out yesterday. and now mine and your role model alike...steve mesa...is playing ina band, and has lead voclas. the trails will hopefully be running soon.

FEBRUARY 26 - wow, i didnt do a good job of predicting what the bahamas would be like, i got to drink a lot, and scuba dive and jetski it wasnt bad. not like any of you assholes care...you know i is playin, you know dat lmao lmao. keep driving your cars and throwing your soda cans on the ground folks, maybe well have to leave earth and go to mars where there is no snow in the winters, just a lot of red. theres a new wedge at incline connected to the wall, its pretty cool guys. roger why dont you call no mo???

FEBRUARY 5 - Im going to the bahamas tomorow night. the daniels trips coming up. it was nice out the past few days. i hope you guys did some riding. LTS. need pictures. need new stuff. and asshole me rites in sentence fragments, not complete sentences, shucks. i hate dan tadros. a lot of people hate me. my hair is long. im diffrent. a week of restricted vacation is what i need. but daniels fuckin rules. later guys.

JANUARY 30 - Mike Z got expelled! a funny guy and a fellow rider. what fucking bullshit. you will be missed. this school is going to hell, my 8 hours of shit is done for the horrendous out of school act. whatever.

JANUARY 22 - yesterday i got in trouble by my principle out of school, does anyone want to explain how the hell that works? jessica, you are the most wonderful girl ever, i love you, everything about you is so great. i most definitly wasnt lying. i get to go get my passport picture today, so as soon as you guys want to buy plane tickits we can go ride out of country spots.

JANUARY 20 - happy martin luther king junior day. today was one of those magical days when you cant stop sleeping no matter where you go. there isnt going to be any more in shape bike riders by the end of this winter.

JANUARY 16 - yea eagles, i guess were #1 now, but the important thing is i had a key so i carved some LTS on the bleachers. its pretty damn cold out, but when you get back inside, it does feel warmer. if you ever beep your fucking horn at me, for some dumbass reason, like im too close to that white line, i promise ill try to get your license plate, find you, and fuck up your car. you smartasses, i know i dont like rocks in my windsheilds, keep it in mind. dirt hip is gone, for all you guys looking for some fun, dont ride all the way over there, some of us had to learn the hard way. T1 rules!

JANUARY 12 - happy birthday kristen

JANUARY 7 - happy birthday jess

JANUARY 5 - So, youve decided to go ride your bike. the crap on the sides of the road and the rain water dried up so no more puddles! but wait...whats this, o shit its snowing/raining/hailing. 2003 sucks. if you ride incline and youve ever done the wallride and said "that is the worst wedge to ever land on after a wallride cause its to mellow and i nosedived on it and i flipped and im having trouble taking the seat out of my ass" things are looking up for you, there replacing it with a steeper wedge and word is the 4ft spine in the street course is going to 5ft. hey guys, why the hell dont we do something.

DECEMBER 24 - its been a while, but i guess i was busy doing nothing. Merry Christmas for tomorrow and ill probly put something up on the 26 or so, but if not happy new year.

DECEMBER 14 - every weekend has some diffrent bullshit to stop the riding. rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain snow rain, that covers all the saturdays that i could remember. skateparks are crowdded, and streets are wet and theres not enough room in the garage, i keep hitting the snow blower and the packages of water. the name of the site is low time shutdown. fratto thought up the name and the idea came from his thinking that the low times are shut down, but ive only ridden with him and curtin since that sunday. ill give my word that i own pens and paper, if you talk to me and say a date thats good to go riding, i will rite it down, and well try to go riding, i know me and fratto are up to it any time, and im not even talking to anyone specificly, if you are here at this site, and you own a bike then im talking to you. no one has ever said anything about riding since i been telling everyone to say something about picking a good day. so say something. njarsenal22. evryone who rides gets a sticker, ill make it. i dont do anything, i dont understand how you can not be iming my ass off, cause stuff like fufanuing trucks happens when we do that kind of stuff. pick a good day, say something about it.

DECEMBER 13 - Friday the 13. this isnt really the news, add on just might be the funnest game ever, its so fun! a million thugsluts could not make you not want to play! Once we all go riding again,(if it isnt before summer rogers going down) were playing that, and then some austrailan football, frattos gonna school us....get it? today me curtin and mike f were riding, and the funniest thing happened. talking to mike f is an intelctual experiance, his views on politickts you say? ......Genius. you'll have to ask him for yourself but it opened up my eyes. keep your personal life outside of school. - mittens

DECEMBER 8 - wow, snow really outstays its welcome. its cool the day of, but now i want to ride and they just put it on where all the riding stuff is. i went to mini mall, and you cant even see it (the hip), dont even bother going there for at least a week if you were thinking about it. you jiggas arent to excited about this incline jam (that would be totoally jerkin) so get on top of it and send an im/phone call/yell real loud cause this would be so cool, dont front. fratto knows where we can get stickers...hot dog! but we arent too sure if its worth it. not to many of you guys are riding. its probly cold for most of you but just throw on some gloves and a beanie, works for me. if any of you guys think we should really do stickers, tell fratto, then well make em and give you guys some. honestly,its not so bad out, so if your bored, get back on your bike!

DECEMBER 6 - yesterday i brought up pikcing the best day for a big jam, well were gonna try and make it at incline! it'll be so fun, probly a monday over christmas break or something.

DECEMBER 5 - o man, it snowed. i hear wrestling season started...go get em all you wrestlers (woohoo john). t-shirts dammit! this place might hook us up with a bulk deal like 50 shirts for $100..(but idk)..i dont have a hundred dollars, do you? i dont have any cookie and m&m's bars either, just ran out. im gonna tell you guys something important, so important they put it on the back of the fun fruits roll up paper, and i quote "Kool aid is multi culteral, not only is HE found in the united states, but HE can also be found in latin america, canada, the carribean and asia". who the hell cares. and they call kool aid "he", dude its only kool aid, a powdered soft drink mix, kool aid is trippin! everybody pick a good date for themselves for a big jam and lets see what we could do cause riding with a lot of people is cool.

DECEMBER 4 - frattos real birthday was yesterday, he was going to incline but he "burned off his moms hair and has to wait till groundhogs day"(mike F that was to funny) Kenny you thirsty? rich <3 sean, thats right, the sean that was born in 2000 bc when the first gay was found (cause he was it)hahaha. on a lighter note im beig harassed by my principle and i might be joining fratto in "rugby school". me mike F and kenny might be working together. and my dining room might get painted. John just recieved a russian mail order bride, they hit it off as soon as he took her out of the box. congradulations!...............

NOVEMBER 30 -today wasnt too cool, noones home, riding by myself, but i guess its fun either way. -i hate when people make a big deal out of stuff that i made my decision on, and on that note comes my thought (i didnt take it out of a movie or anything) but what i think is if they want to be ass's and keep bothering you about it, dont let them win, even if you changed your mind. when you make your decisions make it the right one,(dont be wrong or they win), and changing your mind is always cool but not when people are trying to make you change it cause then there always gonna make you change it-. ok. i've been wearing my old spice and not one person has taken my clothes off yet...dissapointed, but maybe since i dont play golf or something but shouldnt it tell you the steps to make it work on the bottle? anyway i'll keep trying. we need a t-shirt maker and someone who gives dogs baths so if you know either one e-mail or I-M my ass at njarsenal22 and you know i'm on aol cracka.......................................................

NOVEMBER 29 - its officially november 29, who cares, happy birthday fratto. the "movie to not see for the rest of your life of the day" is Jason X. that was the worst movie i ever seen, honestly after he wakes up he kills people and doesnt stop the whole time and they try to throw in jokes and its a terrible movie, and then hes made of metal and kills some more people, dont ever see it, ever. Don knows the t shirt guy! or woman, i'm not sure but i hope those will be in production soon and then all good things will come (but as for right now i could hook anyone who wants it up with some blue tape that says LTS in a bunch of different ways)...................................................................................................................

NOVEMBER 28 - happy thanksgiving, fratto has ADD or subtract or something and his family went to the airport and they got on the plane to florda but he got on the one to new york, he had too fight the sticky bandits but hes home and okay now. i hate website stuff but fratto is lasy and told me he would fix it this monday last monday so i figured i should do it, but websites are cool, or ours is anyway, if you want a shout out give us a dollar, jermain dupree stops by here all the time and is looking for some hot new talent so if you wanna drop ill rymes for a livin, hook us up with a dollar......................................

NOVEMBER 26 - so its groundhogs day again, fratto's favorite holiday, usually hed be going huge cause the results of today get him so suped but he's sick so he let us all down. if anyone knows anything about getting t shirts made cheap could you please e-mail fratto savestheday63, or me at njarsenal22 cause fratto will forget to tell me. its looking a lot like tec right now but its gonna be way hotter, ya heard me, even though its almost the same thing there are cooler tricks so you'll be like, holla at dat shit!.......