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This is a list of people who have helped me, in some way, with the production on The Duo Fixation or with life in general.

Mom: Thanks for letting me work away on this site for hours. Even more, thanks for not taking the internet away when my grades came into play. Thanks for being loving even when I haven't always been the perfect daughter. I wish I was just half the person that you are.
Whit(sister site): Thanks for giving me a slice of your site to mess around with and to develop my page building skills. Thanks for dealing with the growing amount of memory that it was taking up, too ^_^. Thanks for listening to me gripe about how bad life is and for giving me good advice.
Liz: Thanks for being my "motivation", in a sense, to be better and to work harder. Thanks for just being crazy, too.
Caroline: Thanks for introducing me to Anime! Just a little bit of Sailor Moon can send a person a long way.
Jon (aka. My Llama): Thanks for being the crazy being that you are and for not taking me too seriously. I love ya to death!
Jackie: Thanks for being one of the funniest people that I know and always putting a smile on my face no matter the circumstances.
Last, but certainly not least, thank you Duo Fans everywhere for coming to view this crazy mess that I like to call The Duo Fixation. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have any reasons for it.