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The Duo obsession first started when I was surfing for some Winamp skins online and I came across one with Wing Zero Custom from Endless Waltz. Fascinated by the picture, I searched for everything that I could find on Endless Waltz and finally found the DVD in my local Media Play. I bought it, watched it, and became infauated with the character known as Duo Maxwell. I started off putting pictures on my friends page, but that got to big, so she moved me into my own subdirectory. The Duo Fixation was born on 4.21.01 and it grew..and grew..and grew.. until my friend said that I was taking up a little too much space with my obsession so now, here I am. Now I can put up as much as I want to appease Duo fans everywhere! I hope you enjoy this site as much as I do! ^_^
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