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~~~~~Chibi Land!~~~~~

Warning : This page may cause mild chibidation. -.O'


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'Final Fantasy Mambo'

Final Fantasy is an RPG-- The only one that I need-- It's the RPG for me-- Final Fantasy is all that I play-- All other games are lame-- It puts them all to shame--

I only play games that are popular-- I only buy the games the magazines tell me to buy-- That way I know I get good games for sure-- I may have a shallow mind-- But you can kiss my behind--

Final Fantasy; it consumes my life-- And that is probably why-- I'll never have a wife-- Final Fantasy has awesome music-- And that is probably why it-- Always gets remixed--

I always buy the soundtrack to each game-- Oh it is the only thing that I will listen to-- Oh sure one day it may drive me insane-- You may think that I'm a fool-- Well I'm here to say "Screw you!"--

Final Fantasy on PlayStation 2-- With music by Nobuo-- And graphics by Wong Chu-- It is Final Fantasy number ten-- Must save the world again-- Right here from my own den --

Hopefully I'll get through the game just fine-- I don't know why I continue to play each game-- They'll be making these 'til the end of time-- Oh I guess that I will pay-- For these new games 'til Doomsday--


'Krilly's Got a Gun'

Krilly's got a gun....Krilly's got a gun....Veggy's on the run....Yammys dialein' 9-1-1.....

What made krilly snap!?...Was he tired of Veggy's crap!?....They say when Krilly was arrested, they found Chibi headless in the the traaashh!

I hear that Bulma's really runnin' now that Krilly's got a gun, the streets are neva' gonna be the saaaame!

Krilly's got a gun....Killy's got a gun....B's head has come undone....Krilly's house is fun....

