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Blood Omen - Legacy of Harvest Moon!

--Written by Tony Anselmo and Jack Gardner--

: Winter 28: Today I’m going to my Grandfather’s farm. It is located in the center of a bleak wasteland where the souls scream in torment, and the rivers flowed with living blood.

: Winter 29: Turns out I was lost. Should have gone left. Left the damn’ed souls behind. Vultures followed me for the entire trip, so I was not wanting for companions. Or food. A gypsy screamed dire warnings at me, but left when I gave her a few G.

: Winter 30: Took the other fork in the road in this time. Arrived at a placid farm amidst the rolling green hills. Found a skinned corpse hanigng from a hook in the barn...the place is just like I remembered it!

: Spring 1: Spent the day meeting my new neighbors. No real way to aviod it, got strange looks when I told them about the vulture coop...maybe I'll try chickens instead. Grandfather left behind a note: "Beware the Ides of March." I'll add it to my to-do list.

: Spring 2: Pulled a late night clearing the feild of stones. Also found a few skulls. Locals assurded me they were mole skulls...seems moles were bigger in these parts.

: Spring 3: Another late night, this time clearing stumps. Around midnight, a tal figure with an unearthly beauty embraced me. Am now a soulless creature of the night. Gypsy woman dropped by to laugh at me...I ate her.

: Spring 4: To my chagrin, appears seed store is not open at night. Instead I will plant seeds I found in a glowing asteroid at the top of a mountain. It looked like malignant pizza

: Spring 8: I found a sprout today. The sprout found the neighbor's dog. They were not happy about it.

: Spring 10: Planted potatoes.

: Spring 12: Maria resisted my attempts to drain her blood and devour her soul. Her holy aura kept my hunger back. Try Nina tomorrow

: Spring 13: Brought Nina some flowers. She got angry with me...I snapped her neck like a brittle twig, and drained the vitae from her still twiching corpse. Planted grass. Watered crops.

: Spring 23: Flower festival today. Couldn't avoid going, burnt badly from exposure to sun. On the plus side, withered an entire field of flower with my very presense. Keen.

: Spring 27: Found the legendary blade Potato Reaver, reaved my potatoes. They all burst into flame and turned to ash with a single swipe of my needed to clear field for corn anyway.

: Summer 1: Planted corn.

: Summer 2: Found a cute puppy outside my farm today. Decided to turn him into a vicious hellhound. Current Dog status: 1 head, 4 legs, 1 tail, no special abilities.

: Summer 6: Dog is down to 2 legs, and has yet to develop fire breath. On plus, it has grown another head. Corn seems to be doing well, but the tomatoes scream like souls in torment. Shouldn't have watered them with blood...but their iron content is high.

: Summer 8: Carpenter offered me a new watch if I improved my house by the end of the summer. Took watch. When he protested, took arm. He left rather quickly.

: Summer 11: Mayor came to speak with me about y screaming tomatoes. I damned him to the curse'ed realm of darkness, to wander the Earth in eternal torment, forever seeking his eyes.

: Summer 12: Got a fruit basket from Maria. Apparently the mayor was her father.

: Summer 13: Attempts to embrace fruit basket have ended in failure.

: Summer 21: Hurricane. The bounding rain striped the flesh from my bones like searing flames, and cause the dog to grow a third head. Progress!

: Summer 24: Rain's over. While walking in the woods, hoping to supplement my crops with wild berries, I met a magical pixie that offered to turn my tools to solid gold. Tasted like chicken.

: Summer 26: Update on Fido: 3 heads, 7 legs, 1 tail, and acidic feces.

: Summer 27: Wild animals came at night to dig at my crops. Fido destoyed them, leaving their desicated corpses at the edges of my property as a warning. Shan't have to repair fences from now on.

: Fall 3: Got three chickens. Devoured their souls. I can't tell the difference. Army of undead chickens rising.

: Fall 12: Harvest festival. had to bring something to the soup. came with a flayed deer head. Anne reacted particulary poorly to it.

: Fall 13: Anne made a stake gun and staked me through the fields of dying corn. Managed to escape by sic'ing the zombie chickens on her. Will have to do something about that girl.

: Fall 16: Anne got the drop on me today. Had the unpleasant experience of reassembling myself from a pile of ash. Don't want to do it again.

: Fall 18: Anne's father, the owner of the tool shop, dropped in today to make amends. Drained his blood and impaled him on a spike outsied my property as a warning. Used his own hammer to pound the spike into teh ground. I love the little ironic touches.

: Fall 20: Participated in egg hunt. Was asked to hide the eggs. I am pleased to report that my eggs got all but three of the children! But apparently I misunderstood the purpose of the festival. Must remember this next year.

: Fall 27: Found a mystic berry in a stone statue of a chicken by the road. Didn't need it, as my undead stamina is inexhaustable. Other stone chickens came for vengeance. Am trapped in a tool shed.

: Winter 1: Thank evilness I killed Anne's father. Took sledgehammer from the tool shop and killed the chicken guardians.

: Winter10: Anne baked me a cake for Thanksgiving! Perhaps the lure of darkness has won her over.

: Winter 11: Turned out to be a garlic cake. Half my face melted off. Wreaking bloody vengeance on Anne tomorrow

: Winter 12: No bloody vengeance today: Fido has a cold. Also, tail replaced with snake.

: Winter 17: A colt appeared in the morning, and sought refuge from the cruel winter elements. I began torturing it, for thus is the nature of evil.

: Winter 21: Colt finished dying.

: Winter 23: Learned a vampiric discipline: The dread obfuscation of the seven hundred and fourty two masks. Thus disguised, learned where Erin will be during the Star Festival.

: Winter 24: Star Festival. Devoured Erin's soul, dran her blood, and embracer her. Much neater than this courting busines. We get married on the 26th.

: Winter 26: Burst into flames upon entering the church. We will settle for common law marriage until satanic cult is fully established.

: Winter 30: Everyone went to the top of the mountain to make wishes for the New Year. I wished I would drain the blood of the fortuneteller. I did, too.

: Spring 1: Attended the sunrise festival. Shouldn't have. That was down-right embarrassing

: Spring 2: Planted radishes this year.

: Spring 5: Decided to take another look in Grandfather's forbidden shed of mysteries. I found the twin hoes Agony and Malice. The ground weeps as I plant more radishes.

: Spring 12: Found a tribe of gnomes living under my farm. They gave me a shortcut under the fields to the town. In return, I will kill them with minimum fuss.

: Spring 13: Reconsidered the carpenter's offer to add to the house. I'll convince him to add a spire. I must also talk to the gravedigger...perhaps I should subcontract a crypt.

: Spring 14: Finished killing gnomes.

: Spring 16: Found a my dismay they were not as big as before. Added it to my undead army.

: Spring 19: A boy came over to the farm to see the chickens. Found out I was storing damned souls in the silo. I had to kill him.

: Spring 23: Anne bought me some perfume. Assured me that girls buy boys perfume, not visa-versa. Must remember to kill her less painfully.

: Spring 24: Perfume was holy water. Ate a gaping hole in my wife's chest. No hard feelings as I am starting to take a liking to Anne.

: Spring 30: Used the Potato Reaver to clear out the fields for planting tomorrow. Agony and Malice tore at the ground. Cursed weapons make farming a snap!