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~~~~~Planet Vegita~~~~~

Have a question for me? Or maybe you just need to talk to the greatest warrior

to ever grace the galaxy. Don't waste time with that pink tub of goo,

click HERE and if I care, I might respond. *crosses his arms and scowls*


The Prince speaks his peace...

Random Baka: Hi Veggie ^_^ I have a quiestion.... Or two...

1:Why is lemon juice mostly artificial ingredients but dishwashing liquid contains real lemons?

And 2:Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultry?

Thank you for your time o.o


Vegeta : *Snickers softly as he reads the first time.* First of all, It's Question. And to answer your first question...*Glares somewhat and looks rather annoyed.* The reason lemon juice is artificial is becuase of the high acids are too much for the common man. If they used real lemons, most of you would whine and not buy the product, even though for the most part. It isn't that good to begin with. Just a tall glass of Lemonaid hits the spot. But your second question it just ignorant. Do you not know that those two words have two damned meanings? Infancy just means that your too stupid to do anything! And Adultry is...something else! If you really want to know the answer to that damned question, you can go and ask someone who has the time to explain! Your lucky I gave you my time....It sure was a waste of it though.


Vegita!? Where the heck are you!? I woke up, you were gone, and the gravity machine was broken once again! I thought you had died!! But then, I couldn't find the body.... WHERE ARE YOU?!

Love Bulma

P.S. Bra says "Hi daddy."


*Crosses his arms and blushes a very slight shade of pink.* Listen woman, who do you think you are yelling at the Prince of Saiya-jins like that! I had some buisness to take care of, and I'll be back when I'm done! *Scowls as he lifts his chin, mockingly..* Me, dead? Hmph! If you want to see me woman, I am back home, I can send you a ship so that you may come and be the princess. *Kneels down to the microphone, and whispers, barely audible.* princess, I had to do this, they need me here to make sure they don't go into oblivion. They really worship me here....And tell my mini-princess that she can come see her daddy soon, and that I lov...*Shakes his head and stands up.* Ahhem...I'll be back when I'm good and ready! *Lifts his chin and scowls again.*
