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Base Bodies

PPP is proud to be the second EVER site to have supertiny bases!

Right click to save, and then (if there's more than one doll base) erase all the bodies but the one you want to work on. If you use one of these bodies,
I'll ask that you please link me back (click to find out how). Also, PLEASE do not put these basebodies up on your site or into drag n drops, or change the skin color and claim them as yours. You are welcome to use them as long as you give credit and use them creatively :)

CHIBI BODIES: *new!!* as of March 9th, 2002

w00t. this kinda sucks, but oh well. I'll come back to it later :)


SUPERTINY BODIES: (arrived November 5th or sooner, 2001)
I've decided that Supertinies are my most favorite type of doll. Until today I'd never seen anyone who had them on their site besides me and innocents, but I love em sooooooo much, I want to share! The original supertinies are the sole creation of innocents, but out of the kindness of her heart, she let me post these new skin colors/edits of her supertiny base. Please link back if you use of of these bases, and it wouldn't hurt to link bace to innocents as well :)
*drum roll, please!*

Below are doll faces (eyes and mouths) you can use. They are transparent and I left the grey for you to line them up on the faces of the bases above. manda has more supertiny doll body positions for you to use if you'd like that as well ;)


All layout and images ©2001 Jessika c/o Pixel by Pixel Productions unless otherwise noted.