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The Gorean Slut


I was originally from earth. Being a slave to the very core
with long black tousles, a lushes slave body, and eyes of emerald green. I look out at my new
world wish only to please and be pleasing.

Whos Chain I am on

I was till his death the devoted slave to
Master Vular Rulan of Asperiche. At his death I
was told I had been given to another. That Master
took me to the main land were he then disapeared.
Half starved and naked sept for my collar.I maid
my way out of the wild. Only to be found and
collard by Master Narev Targo. I am now the
property of the Admnistrator Cleaneth Uriel,
City slave of Woodhaven, red silk in training
reserved to Citizens
Woodhaven WHGor,Whkeni, WHkai, redsilk in training

Tal Masters

Though I am largely untrained and new to the collar.
I am Red silk and wish the touch of a
Master. I am not capable of serve the right
way yet and am intraining to learn to be a pleasing
slave .

This slave wishes to learn to be a
gloriously pleasing peace of Slave on the chain of a Master.