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Would you survive a horror movie? Find out @ She's Crafty

What's Your Style? Find out @ She's Crafty

On the "Are You Too Truthful? Test" at She's Crafty I got this result:
>>Totally Tactful [ 15 - 21 points] Straitforward but never nasty. No wonder people perpetually come to you for advice! They know they'll get a from-the-heart response that's in their best interest. You're the perfect blend of honesty and sensitivity.
I had a 16.

At the same site, I took the "Ice Cream Personality" Test, and I picked lick, and got this...
if you're a licker ... You little socialite! You go out to party frequently and have a wide variety of friends. You're probably quite the flirt. You're very enthusiastic with an infectious lust for life. You're also ambitious and just love a challenge.