c0d1n3: meg
Meghan: heidi ho
c0d1n3: why are you always on the internet
c0d1n3: get a life
c0d1n3: god
Meghan: hey fuck off buddy
Meghan: iv been studying for so long my head can barely think enough to type
c0d1n3: what class?
Meghan: cheerleading
c0d1n3: uhh? don't guess i get it?
Meghan: i just tried to type kill like five times and it kept coming out "kel"
Meghan: i swear
c0d1n3: haha
c0d1n3: oh yah that reminds me
Meghan: biology
c0d1n3: would it be possiblef or me to take summer college classes and catch up with him?
Meghan: yes and it would be farely easy
c0d1n3: hah considering he might still be a freshman next year
Meghan: oh he definately will
Meghan: he would have to take like 23 hours next semester to not be
c0d1n3: (and pass)
Meghan: yeah
c0d1n3: i'm cruising ebay tryin to find cheap stuff to get my parents for xmas..i think i'm just goin to get them like..5 dollar gift cards
Meghan: good plan
c0d1n3: how sweet of kel to come and eat with you today..and you thought somethign was up =\
Meghan: oh please he was just hungry
Meghan: and its free
Meghan: he didn't eat with me unless you count when i took a bite of his pizza
c0d1n3: that counts....
Meghan: no it doesn't
Meghan: i finally got him to admit that he doesn't want me around dane
c0d1n3: whats a brand of clothes that no one around here wears and i'd look atleast decent in
c0d1n3: why doesn't he want you around dane?
c0d1n3: cause he knows your attracted to him?
Meghan: attracted?
c0d1n3: my bad..you think he's hot
c0d1n3: i have to go have blood work done tommorow
Meghan: good i hope they suck you dry
c0d1n3: they're gonna find out wuts wrong with my no sleepin ass
c0d1n3: what?!
c0d1n3: how can you say that
c0d1n3: what a brand of clothes no one around here wears that i'd possible look half way decent in
Meghan: because im more stressed than ever and i think dane might be a bad influence on kelly
c0d1n3: it's not like he's a little kid
c0d1n3: meghan kelly loves you a lot
c0d1n3: you've got nothin to worry about
Meghan: fubu
c0d1n3: lol
c0d1n3: awesome
c0d1n3: either that or
c0d1n3: ECKO
c0d1n3: i could pimp out some sean jean
Meghan: yep
Meghan: but dixon wears that
c0d1n3: eeerrr!
c0d1n3: my new patended will be route 66
c0d1n3: that and faded glory
Meghan: perfect
c0d1n3: you excited about goin to NSU next semester
Meghan: im going to conners
Meghan: can't leave the con dog
c0d1n3: thats um.....neat
c0d1n3: well kelly will be there atleast
c0d1n3: him and the rodeo team
Meghan: i probably wont ever see him cuz i take 2 classes til 10. then i have to drive to muskogee to take history
c0d1n3: jesus
Meghan: YEAH
c0d1n3: plz get another job or something you obviously have too much spare time
Meghan: oh my gosh im so stressed out!
c0d1n3: i think i'm gonna start dressing skater..no one else does that...get a couple of tatoo's
Meghan: i think im just going to jump off a bridge so i don't have to take my final tomorrow
c0d1n3: you'll do fine
c0d1n3: remember that one time in coach pages biology
Meghan: what
c0d1n3: that you wrote all the answers next my wrong ones on a test
c0d1n3: then i told on myself for cheating
c0d1n3: i was a real bitch back then
Meghan: dumbass
c0d1n3: he let me keep the grade that i got after cheating though
c0d1n3: that was a fun class
Meghan: no it wasn't
Meghan: i hate people
Meghan: all the girls in my class are bitches to me
Meghan: except for ashley
c0d1n3: college or hs
c0d1n3: your confusing me
Meghan: hs
c0d1n3: you have one class at hs
c0d1n3: and you hate it
c0d1n3: i have 7
c0d1n3: and i hate them all
Meghan: yes because they are all mean to me
Meghan: i hate that cuz they have no reason
c0d1n3: don't why they do
Meghan: one of these days im gonna snap and kill everyone there
c0d1n3: hah
c0d1n3: same reason they all hate deidra i guess
c0d1n3: only they know
c0d1n3: take out alicia first
c0d1n3: cause if i have to hear one more of her stupid stories i'm gonna kill myself
c0d1n3: and if she tells that nelly story one more time
c0d1n3: ooohh we're gonna hit the dirt
c0d1n3: or about going to UCO
Meghan: oh did you know that everyone else that works at loves said she made everything up except for thefact that they were there
c0d1n3: haha really?
c0d1n3: well..mine wasn't made up =\
c0d1n3: i didn't think it was that big a deal and tell everyone either
Meghan: yeah well i heard only the roadies got out at wal-mart
c0d1n3: they did after her got mobbed
c0d1n3: doesn't matter anyway
Meghan: your right
c0d1n3: i hate goin to school
Meghan: me too
c0d1n3: every one there is so fuckin stupid
c0d1n3: i swear
Meghan: yep
c0d1n3: it's halarious to hear them all talk shit about someone then when they're around they act like they're best friends
c0d1n3: but it's like that everywhere
Meghan: not at college
c0d1n3: gooooood
c0d1n3: well i bet it is your just not around certain groups when certain people are misisng
Meghan: do you have a satelite dish
c0d1n3: yeah ?
c0d1n3: and yes i know where to get the descrambler cards
Meghan: what kind? how much a month? how much are the extra things(boxes or whatever)
c0d1n3: i have a sony
Meghan: i don't know what a descramber card is
c0d1n3: and
c0d1n3: i thought you had one to?
c0d1n3: anyway
c0d1n3: There are a ton of different brands that you can buy
c0d1n3: some are cheaper some are more exspensive
Meghan: ballpark
c0d1n3: whatever you do DON'T get dishnetwork
c0d1n3: probably....150 200 dollars for everything
c0d1n3: if you put it in yourself
c0d1n3: which it isn't that hard to do
Meghan: why not dishnetwork
c0d1n3: well...dishnetword is cheap but their service sucks..
c0d1n3: when bad storms come up you lose your signal sometimes and can't watch tv
c0d1n3: that doesn't happen that often with directv
c0d1n3: but with Dishnetwork a cloudy day will make it screw up
c0d1n3: cloudy day, rain, flock of birds
c0d1n3: and monthly it's around...30 dollars for all the channels but HBO/Cinemax/showtime/the movie channel
c0d1n3: if you add all the movie channels it's around 50 or 60
Meghan: oh
Meghan: well maybe we can figure how to hook it up illegally like our cable
c0d1n3: haha
c0d1n3: ok
c0d1n3: that's what a descrambler card does
c0d1n3: satelites now adays have program cards that you stick in them
c0d1n3: and if you have a descramber card you get everything for free
c0d1n3: the only thing about them is
c0d1n3: they might work for a month
c0d1n3: and they might work for a year
c0d1n3: periodicly the satelite company sends down a signal that will kill it
Meghan: oh dang
c0d1n3: yeah =\
c0d1n3: as stressed as you are you might need to ask kelly for another 'stomach pill'
Meghan: no i dont need anymore of those
Meghan: jello shots
Meghan: thats what i need
c0d1n3: hah where did you learn about jello shots
Meghan: hes gonna make sum for me this week sometime
Meghan: what am i 3
c0d1n3: lol
c0d1n3: i take it you've had them before then
c0d1n3: so you should know that they're nasty
Meghan: no not if you make em right
c0d1n3: who are you talking to
Meghan: bradford
c0d1n3: that's not what i mean
c0d1n3: ...but ok
c0d1n3: sooo thaaaats why your patended is internet now
Meghan: no i haven't talkd
Meghan: no. havent talked to him til tonight
Meghan: oh and for a min last night to tell him bout mrs crumplers party
c0d1n3: and the night before cause he told you about how much he like reagan
c0d1n3: he might be sinlge soon
c0d1n3: i'm just givin you hell meghan don't get mad
Meghan: dane told me today that he wouldn't date her
c0d1n3: why do you talk about dane so much
c0d1n3: i liiiiiiiiike get on the net and talkin to braaaadfooord
Meghan: shut up
c0d1n3: kidding my god
c0d1n3: it's been awhile since i've got to
c0d1n3: no matter how many times i do about him you always get pissed
Meghan: im not pissed
Meghan: i don't care
c0d1n3: remember when you used to try to say you didn't like him
c0d1n3: mwah hah hah hah
Meghan: he pisses me off when im around him alot
c0d1n3: cause he doesn't give you enough attention?
c0d1n3: ...my kneck is hot
Meghan: right now im just talkin shit to him about travis
Meghan: travis is pissed
Meghan: it gives me a laugh
c0d1n3: oooooh lets through travis in there
Meghan: huh?
c0d1n3: ..i.....think......you.......know
c0d1n3: wuts bradfords name
Meghan: bradford12_1
c0d1n3: so you got two of your favorite guys on there fighting to talk to you
c0d1n3: no wonder your so stressed
Meghan: ooooooooh i really want to hit you
Meghan: man im talkin some hard shit
Meghan: it is really helping my stress level
c0d1n3: your having cyber sex with them aren't you
Meghan: no i said travis was a terribly kisser and that every other girl says so too
c0d1n3: you just say that cause he gagged you with his tongue
c0d1n3: you know what they say about tongues
Meghan: nope
c0d1n3: yeah he did he told me
Meghan: what?
Meghan: confused
c0d1n3: all you have to do
c0d1n3: is read it again
Meghan: okay read it
Meghan: still confused
c0d1n3: jeez tits
Meghan: oh
Meghan: okay i just thought there was more to it
c0d1n3: damn i atleast expected you to deny it
c0d1n3: i thought he was lying
Meghan: deny what
Meghan: huh? more confusion
c0d1n3: deny that you gagged when he stuck his tongue down your throat..stop playin dumb
Meghan: oh he said that
c0d1n3: you said he did too
c0d1n3: ...ok i made that up
c0d1n3: good maybe now that you get on the net to talk to bradford maybe i can talk to you when i'm bored too
Meghan: i just got on here cuz im procasinating
Meghan: procrastinating
c0d1n3: yah i bet
Meghan: i swear
Meghan: i was shopping when i got a message
c0d1n3: and tommorow you'll be like 'um i just got here to.....shop'
Meghan: your right
c0d1n3: i know
c0d1n3: usually i am
Meghan: right
Meghan: talked to kel tonight?
c0d1n3: i remember when you used to wait for hours for mat to get on
c0d1n3: yah
c0d1n3: he called earlier
Meghan: hours?
Meghan: seconds maybe
c0d1n3: yes hours
Meghan: nope
c0d1n3: cause you sent him like....100 emails a night
c0d1n3: i think he might be commin over later
Meghan: yes your right i loved mat dearly and i miss him terribly
c0d1n3: not loved
c0d1n3: love
Meghan: grrrrrrrrrrr
Meghan: i think hes creepy
c0d1n3: oh whatever
c0d1n3: now maybe
Meghan: then too
Meghan: i really don't wanna talk about him
Meghan: for some reason i hate him with a passion
Meghan: even hearing his name makes me wanna go find and kel him
c0d1n3: uhh..well you would believe me any way
Meghan: grrrrrrrrrrrr see
c0d1n3: wouldn't
Meghan: kel = kill
c0d1n3: new subject then
Meghan: no i didn't mean it like that
Meghan: i meant to type kill instead of kel
c0d1n3: i know
c0d1n3: i'm on the level
c0d1n3: i have a story to tell about him
c0d1n3: but i'll save it
c0d1n3: i swear you pick some of the goofiest lookin guys
Meghan: about who
Meghan: oh my gosh i've got bradford so worried that raegan is cheating
c0d1n3: hah he's not worried he knows he still pulls your strings when he's ready
Meghan: he's beggin me to tell him what i heard about raegan
c0d1n3: lol
c0d1n3: why is your patended start shit with people
Meghan: oh my gosh he's goin nuts
c0d1n3: "meghan come up here"
c0d1n3: ^ he sayin that?
c0d1n3: "join the mile high club"
Meghan: good job i forgot about that
c0d1n3: ghetto_meg: ok i'll tell kelly i'm stayin at sky's
Meghan: what?
c0d1n3: bradford12_1: so you can be here tonight?
c0d1n3: ghetto_meg: yeah around 1 or 2
c0d1n3: where am i getting that
Meghan: lol
Meghan: idiot
Meghan: i wish there was a way that you could see what he's putting
c0d1n3: there is
c0d1n3: idiot
Meghan: you would get a real kick out of it
Meghan: really?
c0d1n3: yah
Meghan: well how
c0d1n3: right click on what he says and highlight it
c0d1n3: no
c0d1n3: wait
c0d1n3: left click and highlight it
Meghan: im getting ready to tell him that raegan is considering dane
c0d1n3: then left click and go to copy
c0d1n3: then go back to my chat window and right click..then select paste
c0d1n3: bradford12_1: i'm glad meg now i don't have to feel bad about me and you
c0d1n3: mwah hah hah hah
c0d1n3: so what excuse are you gonna use tommorow
c0d1n3: or did you already settle on shopping
Meghan: yeah
c0d1n3: my bad didn't mean to distract your attention
c0d1n3: bradford12_1: is it ok if travis tags in
c0d1n3: i thought you were pasting it to me
Meghan: good call
c0d1n3: good cal on what
Meghan: i tried and i just pasted it to the other thing we were talking on
c0d1n3: because you click on my screen
c0d1n3: like your going to type to me
Meghan: oh for god sake im an idiot
Meghan: duh
c0d1n3: jesus meghan
Meghan: i thought i did actually then it just ended up on the wrong thing so i just decided it was impossibe
Meghan: impossible
c0d1n3: haha
Meghan: and now hes of calling raegan askin about dane so the screen is gone
Meghan: can i get it back?
c0d1n3: nope not if you closed it
Meghan: hells bells
c0d1n3: your such a retard
Meghan: no doubt
Meghan: my brain is overworked
c0d1n3: all that bradford stimulatioin
Meghan: oh and dane said he never said i was a bitch
c0d1n3: who keeps telling you all this shit about dane any way
Meghan: that doesn't matter
c0d1n3: whatever
c0d1n3: i forsee you hookin up with dane pretty soon
Meghan: oh yeah
c0d1n3: seriously
c0d1n3: i think its more up to him though
Meghan: we would have such intelligent conversations
Meghan: gasp you don't have to be cruel
c0d1n3: truthful!
c0d1n3: not cruel!
Meghan: well i really don't care
c0d1n3: about?
c0d1n3: you have to tell me what i can't read your mind
Meghan: kel is his friend and i would never do that and he would never do that
Meghan: plus its dane
Meghan: dane cody
c0d1n3: exactly dane
Meghan: oh well like i said i wouldn't care if dane thought i was the ugliest girl on the face of the earth
c0d1n3: but you asked him if he said you were a bitch or not?
c0d1n3: that doesn't make since
c0d1n3: you can't hang
Meghan: his opinion doesn't matter. only because he's kels friend and like i said kel is easily influenced
Meghan: when tristan and them hated me and always talked shit then kel broke up with me and included that as one o the reasons
c0d1n3: true
Meghan: i think that is a perfectly good reason
c0d1n3: ^5 megh
Meghan: to care if dane likes me or not
c0d1n3: ^5 even if that's a lie
c0d1n3: (high five_
c0d1n3: get it
Meghan: oh now i do
Meghan: you are such a little fucker
c0d1n3: well you love me anyway...or..put up with it
c0d1n3: now ^5 me back
Meghan: i swear you and kelly are more in love with dane than i will ever be
c0d1n3: i'll admit i think dane is a cool guy..besides we both know how you are
c0d1n3: NOW DO IT
Meghan: kelly talks about how good he looks all the time
Meghan: no
Meghan: i've just said he was cute and only when forced to answer
c0d1n3: lies!!
Meghan: but i always add that he's dumb
c0d1n3: one time you asked me about him
c0d1n3: and you ended wtih
c0d1n3: 'cause dane is cuuuuuuuuute'
Meghan: i always wondered why he dated ugly skanky girls cuz he is cute but lots of guys are cute that doesnt mean that i have an attraction to them
Meghan: it just simply means hes cute
Meghan: nothing more
Meghan: i swear
Meghan: you think girls are pretty without wanting to get involved with them right
c0d1n3: yes
Meghan: okay then
c0d1n3: but i don't talk to or about them daily
c0d1n3: and when i suspect they don't like me i don't question them about it
Meghan: fuck off
c0d1n3: i'm kidding
c0d1n3: jeez
Meghan: i am questioned about him daily
c0d1n3: yeah i know
Meghan: well i guess we don't have to worry about it since dane hates me and would never consider me
Meghan: as you all say
c0d1n3: i don't know dane to say if he would or not
Meghan: oh well like i said i've never even thought about it until u and kelly started saying stuff
c0d1n3: now you do a lot
c0d1n3: cause yoru forced too
Meghan: dane never ever crosses my mind until he's mentioned to me
Meghan: ever
Meghan: i swear
c0d1n3: promise
Meghan: promise
c0d1n3: technically though
c0d1n3: past records show that doesn't matter
Meghan: just think you and kelly could be driving me right into his arms
Meghan: when i asked that one time it was cuz of zack
c0d1n3: i don't care....it might make kelly kinda said
c0d1n3: wouldn't surpirse him
c0d1n3: zach and dane are pretty tight i think
Meghan: i know and hes known him a lot longer. like when i asked about him
Meghan: oh brother this is dumb
Meghan: so back to kelly
c0d1n3: well
c0d1n3: a;kldsjfak where did you go
c0d1n3: so what about you and bebo
Meghan: i have the same statement about bebo as i do dane
Meghan: its bebo
Meghan: like i would date someone named bebo
c0d1n3: and i have the same statement
c0d1n3: oh whatever
Meghan: can you imagine screaming out bebo
Meghan: lol
c0d1n3: i'm sure you would
Meghan: oh bebo oh bebo
Meghan: oh please
c0d1n3: be honest meghan
Meghan: fuck you
c0d1n3: you don't have to lie to me
Meghan: thats honest
Meghan: i know i don't have to but i choose to
Meghan: whaa ha ha ha
c0d1n3: it doesn't matter to me whaa ha ha ha
Meghan: lier whaa ha ha ha
c0d1n3: we'll see
Meghan: so does he ever say anything good
Meghan: exact words
Meghan: and no we won't see
c0d1n3: yah we will
c0d1n3: bebo or dane
c0d1n3: remember this if you and kelly ever stop talking again i'm calling it right now
Meghan: nope. definately not after that kiss at homecoming
Meghan: yuck
c0d1n3: wasn't as good as the one on prom night?
Meghan: no
Meghan: way worse
Meghan: must be emily's guidance
c0d1n3: hah did you two really kiss on prom nite
Meghan: god no
c0d1n3: he was getting his feel on in the car hell i didin't know
Meghan: i dropped everyone off with tears running down my face like i was gonna kiss him
Meghan: and he wasn't feeling anything
c0d1n3: you didn't even kiss him after he asked him to prom
c0d1n3: that's cold
c0d1n3: you asked i mean
Meghan: i didn't ask him
c0d1n3: and oh yeah there was feeling taking place
Meghan: maybe to get me not to cry
Meghan: like patting my hand or something
c0d1n3: rubbing your leg makes you stop crying? wierd!
c0d1n3: man why am i such an asshole
Meghan: oh like you could resist with a slit up to my ass
c0d1n3: i DID resist
c0d1n3: cause you woulda hit me with something
Meghan: you weren't in the front seat
Meghan: yep i would have hit you
Meghan: really hard
c0d1n3: i coulda pulled reach around
c0d1n3: snuck one in
c0d1n3: (i hope your laughing cause i'm joking)
Meghan: well just be lucky you didn't
Meghan: i you would have gone into prom with a bloody nose
Meghan: or better yet, holding your crotch
c0d1n3: haha
Meghan: so tell me what kelly says
c0d1n3: i wouldn't of looked any worse
Meghan: hurry now
c0d1n3: i probably would've looked cooler holding my crotch
Meghan: lol
Meghan: so about kel
c0d1n3: sure what do you wanna know
Meghan: anything!
c0d1n3: whatever happend to aubrey from connors
c0d1n3: he got pretty pissed about all that
Meghan: oh well it probably didn't help that when he dropped my phone off at sky's last night that aubry had just left
c0d1n3: so what about aubrey lets talk about him for a second
Meghan: i really like his girlfriend jill
c0d1n3: something must of happend britta wouldn't of pulled that outta her wierd lookin ass
c0d1n3: as soon as he walked infront of the bleachers she started telling people that was your new b/f
Meghan: he came to the game that one night with aj and rumors went from there
Meghan: i don't care though
Meghan: its gore
c0d1n3: i'm not talking about rumors
Meghan: hes not cute
c0d1n3: i want the scoop!
Meghan: ok oprah
Meghan: he's not my type
c0d1n3: yes he is
Meghan: too tall, not cute enough, and smokes waaaaaay too much weed
Meghan: hes from cali
c0d1n3: i smoke weed now
Meghan: good
c0d1n3: i'm lying too
Meghan: maybe it'll mello you out a little
c0d1n3: i am mello do you not see my normal look at school
c0d1n3: i'm so tired from not sleeping that i can't think of anythign to say to anyway i'm freekin locked up all hours
Meghan: no crazy still shines through
c0d1n3: really?
Meghan: yeah
c0d1n3: i thought i curved that off
Meghan: nope
Meghan: try harder
c0d1n3: how does it so i can quit
Meghan: just kidding
Meghan: you keep straying from he kelly subject
c0d1n3: man meg i'm still so sorry about all that mess
Meghan: nevermind that
c0d1n3: ok here's our nightly routine
c0d1n3: when he comes to my house
c0d1n3: he comes in
c0d1n3: makes something to eat
c0d1n3: starts watching tv
Meghan: and?
c0d1n3: and? that's it
Meghan: well next time you see him tell him if he keeps fuckin up im gonna move on
Meghan: see what he says
Meghan: tell him iv been hinting
Meghan: no better yet tell him that i got flowers at school today
c0d1n3: pfft
c0d1n3: i'm not going to lie just so you can fuck with him
Meghan: do tell
Meghan: i'll laugh my ass off when he asks me about it
c0d1n3: besides that even if i did i'm sure he'd probably get mad at you
Meghan: ok
Meghan: forget it then
c0d1n3: who could you tell him they were from anyway
Meghan: from nicko?
c0d1n3: it's niko
Meghan: nicco?
Meghan: how do you spell his stupid name
c0d1n3: niko
c0d1n3: n-i-k-o
Meghan: oh ok
Meghan: i see
Meghan: geez
c0d1n3: by the way he's got a..
c0d1n3: hairy back
c0d1n3: siiicccckkk
Meghan: yeah yeah i know
Meghan: i love the fact he begged for my number and followed me around for like 30 minutes and i was like no i don't give out my number
c0d1n3: you should also love the fact that you didn't
c0d1n3: cause he woulda played you like a guitar
c0d1n3: or is it a....fiddle
c0d1n3: trumpet?
Meghan: no i would have got him under my spell
Meghan: deck of cards
c0d1n3: hah you have no spell
c0d1n3: trumbone?
Meghan: oh yes i do
c0d1n3: how come it doesn't work on anyone
Meghan: it does
c0d1n3: give me an example
Meghan: why do you think they are all heart broken
c0d1n3: oh yeah
c0d1n3: every one of them
Meghan: please don' make me get out my list
c0d1n3: i wont put you on the spot
c0d1n3: don't think you could make one up fast enough
c0d1n3: 1) Carl nokia
Meghan: your right
Meghan: too many
Meghan: don't make me say it
c0d1n3: say it
Meghan: name one that wasn't
c0d1n3: i dare you
Meghan: besides kelly
c0d1n3: confused..name one that wasn't what?
Meghan: heart broken
c0d1n3: ok i'll give you cockrell..you have him under you belt
c0d1n3: but i'm not sure if he should count
Meghan: no he's pretty pissed right now
c0d1n3: cause he falls in love with any girl that will give him attention
Meghan: true
Meghan: autumn for the love of god?
Meghan: skanky
c0d1n3: shit falls out of her pussy when she stands up Meghan: lol
c0d1n3: that was dirty....
c0d1n3: but...that's the only name that comes to mind right off hand
Meghan: my chest hurts when i breathe
Meghan: oh think of a few more
c0d1n3: bra is too small
Meghan: no its sharp pain
Meghan: on the inside of body
c0d1n3: boobs are growin?
Meghan: hopfully
Meghan: hopefully i mean
c0d1n3: hopefully not you'll have a crooked back
c0d1n3: you can't support them now
Meghan: so what
Meghan: id risk it
c0d1n3: that'd be a wierd lookin profile
c0d1n3: big ass..curved back..big boobs
c0d1n3: like a snake
Meghan: curly hair
Meghan: o god im black
c0d1n3: haha
c0d1n3: you gotta get a new name too
c0d1n3: megheena
Meghan: back in black
Meghan: lol
Meghan: lol
c0d1n3: i can't think of a better one
Meghan: megonda
c0d1n3: lol!
Meghan: way better
c0d1n3: i can see it
Meghan: so what else does he say?
Meghan: !!!!!!!!!!!
c0d1n3: that he loves you
c0d1n3: sumtimes
c0d1n3: only kidding
c0d1n3: only kidding
c0d1n3: one time he said he couldn't imagine being without you
Meghan: oh when was that
c0d1n3: he said you were he happy thought
Meghan: if it was before we broke up then it doesn't count
c0d1n3: no it was just the other day
Meghan: oh thats good
c0d1n3: like yesterday or the day before
Meghan: make him think im going to get away so maybe he'll be better to me
Meghan: he's really starting to slack off
c0d1n3: and i don't know if you realize how much he acts like you
Meghan: what do you mean
c0d1n3: he acts just like you do
Meghan: like how
c0d1n3: like..the words you use
Meghan: like what!
c0d1n3: 'shoosh'
c0d1n3: 'you shoosh'
c0d1n3: and using 'you little ------' fills in different words
c0d1n3: the tones he uses in his voice
Meghan: oh no i act like him
c0d1n3: nah i think he acts like
Meghan: he started that
c0d1n3: you
Meghan: not me
c0d1n3: nope he acts like you
Meghan: no cuz he started the shush thing and probably the you little_____ thing too
c0d1n3: meghan i swear you two act just alike
c0d1n3: ok go to this website
c0d1n3: www.justincase.com
c0d1n3: just the other day we discused how that guy could pull you
c0d1n3: the one in the front
c0d1n3: he was like
c0d1n3: 'how easy could this guy pull meghan'
c0d1n3: and said
c0d1n3: as soon as he looked at her she ask 'kelly who'
c0d1n3: she'd i mean
c0d1n3: you there?
Meghan: yeah my computer is stupid
c0d1n3: after xmas you can have mine
Meghan: reallyl
c0d1n3: yep
c0d1n3: that's when my new one is supposed to be done
c0d1n3: i'll even leave all my awesome downloaded songs on it
Meghan: well i'm still worried that hanging around dane isn't good for kelly
c0d1n3: talk to him about it. but i'm telling you kelly has a mind of his own you just worry too much
Meghan: well i'm going to bed
Meghan: Goodbye
c0d1n3: bye meg
c0d1n3: don't sweat your test tommorow
c0d1n3: it's in the bag
Meghan's status is now "Idle" (12/8/2002 11:56 PM)
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