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In Memory of Jon A. Helmic
Wool Sweater Street

<br> <bgsound src="" loop="2" WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="18" ALT="Midi Playing:Memories"><br>

In Memory of Jon A. Helmic
Celtic Weave Bar
Jon and Sheryl
Click on the photo above
to go to the Helmic Photo Album.

Celtic Weave Bar
Note from Sheryl:
I thank everyone for their prayers.
My husband; Jon A. Helmic,
wonderful father to three beautiful boys,
and the love of my life and soulmate,
passed on into spirit, November 13th @2:15p.m.

These past few months
he had been trying
to get his blood pressure under control.
He had a blood vessel burst in his brain Monday morning,
and he never recovered.
Jon's mother, Luana Helmic was here visiting
and we were both able to be with him.
We did call the paramedics
and he was taken to the hospital.
The efforts to drain the blood on his brain
was not as successful as they had hoped.
His heart stopped this afternoon.

I am feeling numb,
but I know he is still here with us,
I feel his presence strongly.

He was a counselor to so many,
his wisdom and strong arms
will be missed by us all.
He was 37, he was born on Christmas day.
Sheryl Helmic aka Wren

Celtic Weave Bar
Beautiful Site Award<br>
given in honor of the memory of<br>
Loria Susan Caulder
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For what is it to die
but to stand naked in the wind and
to melt into the sun?

And what is it to cease breathing
but to free the breath
from its restless tides,
that it may rise and expand
and seek God unencumbered?

Kahlil Gibran

Thank you for the quote,Judi!

Celtic Weave Bar
Celtic Weave Bar
Tuesday morning,November 13,2001
Email from Donna:
Prayer Request
Please, please, please send this on to all of the prayer groups that you know...very urgent....
My friend Sheryl from Jacksonville Florida just called and told me that they had to call the paramedics last night for her husband Jon, they were getting ready for bed, and all of a sudden, he didn't even know who she was. Jon is 37 years old, she was told this morning that he had some sort of an aneurysm, and it hit his frontal lobes, and that there is bleeding in the brain...he is sedated now waiting for a neurosurgeon to operate. Please pray for Jon and Sheryl and their three boys Caleb,Noah,and Elijah.
Please e-mail her with your prayers, I know she really needs this now....

Sheryl is a Site Fight Fairy, not sure what team...if you have any contacts with the team leaders, or the Fairies, please pass this on to them for me.

Please pray for the doctors to do all the right things and pray for full recovery...
Pray to whom ever you pray to, but please also say the Hail Mary ...this is who Sheryl prays to when she is troubled...

Celtic Weave Bar
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst woman
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus.
Holy Mary mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour of our death.
Celtic Weave Bar
Donna, in her hurry to get out
the prayer request
forgot to mention
Sheryl and Jon's third son,Elijah.
I put this page together
very quickly and forgot to mention
that if you click on the photo of
Jon and Sheryl you will go to
their Family Photos page
where you can reach websites for
Sheryl and their three sons.

Love Bears All Things

Sheryl has many cyber personas.
I know her as Wren.
Other personas i know of are
Rainbow Tail Fairy and
Dancing Peacock.
Celtic Weave Bar
John A. Helmic<br>
Graphic by Donna of<br>
Angels On My Side<br>
Used with permission
Click on the graphic above
to go to Donna's tribute site.
Celtic Weave Bar
Soul Grief<br>
a poem by Michael F. Nyiri<br>
For Jon and Sheryl 11/14/01
Click on the graphic above
to go to Michael's tribute site.
Celtic Weave Bar

Celtic Weave Bar
Should you wish to email me,
you can reach me at:

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

My main web site is: manic-depressive diary
Seven Wonders
Thinking Of You

Other Favorites:
Ave Maria
Santa Rockettes!

I Wish 4 U
Big Bear Presents: Wacky Faces!
I will . . .

Thank you for all your prayers!

Celtic Weave Bar
You may use the graphic below
to link to this site.
It's a gift from Donna of
Angels On My Side.
Please save it to your own directory.
And link it to:
Beary Bipolar<br>
Tribute to Jon<br>
Click here . . .
Celtic Weave Bar
Page Created by Big Bear
November 13,2001
Updated December 03,2009.
Midi of "Memories" downloaded from here.
Correct title is "Memory".It is from the musical,"Cats".
Lyrics can be found here. IconBAZAAR
Celtic Weave Bar