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Welcome to the

Gay And Lesbian

Emergency Services

Web Portal

This website is for those members and volunteers of Emergency Services throughout the world, whether they be from FIRE, AMBULANCE/ EMS, POLICE, RESCUE OR STATE EMERGENCY SERVICES, and of course MEDICAL and NURSING personnel, who just so happen to be gay or lesbian.  In fact, it’s for all those members of the GLTB community, who offer more to the general community in helping others in time of need.  We hope that you enjoy your visit to the site and come back again soon.

While this site gets going, you will find heaps of links to emergency services pages throughout the world, and as more visitors come through this portal, links to their sites and the emergency service they are members of, will be added.  If you would like to add your site, please e-mail us with your details and we will check the site out and add it to these pages.  In the mean time, kick back and relax, coz you’re not working now, or are you?

This site was created by Sparkey and was last updated on 2 January 2001