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Previous Project TFC guide
Current Project Gunman guide
Next Project Unknown

Log - April 12, 2001 RAMPAGE
Well I still haven't done anything on the site, no walkthoughs or anything. I've been spending most of my time learning to map and stil in the process, and I just recently beat the Non Half-Life game, American McGee's Alice. Its one helluvu game, even those of you who are all first person shooter-ers should get this. Here's a screenshot for you, its not very good, and probebly not right becaus this is a Half-Life site, but hell, its my site and I'll do what I want with it! ;D

Uuhhhhnnn - March 21, 2001 RAMPAGE
  Sorry I haven't updated the site in awhile, but there's nothing to update. I haven't done muh of anything for the site except I've got a new team member, Fishbaitm who's doing the site graphics. I'll be redoing the site again, so there won;'t be any content update, or at least not much. I've been spending most of my time learning to map and helping my mod team try to model.

New stuff - Feb 28, 2001 RAMPAGE
  Well I have some new stuff for the site. I've done alot on the Gunman guide and I figured, no one knows of this site, why not put up the link? So the link's up to what I have so far of the Gunman guide.
  I redid the Project chart, the other one was very...not well done, so its better now, and I plan to improve it further.
  I'm getting some new graphics for the site, as you can see the background and buttons for the Mainframe links to come. If anyone has experience with graphics design that would like to help, please email me.

Awesome thumbs - Feb 21, 2001 RAMPAGE
Forget my post "Bare with me". I found a gif maker program that creates the best quality thumbs possible which is fantastic. The thumbnails won't take a long time to load, but unfortunately the closeups will simply because they are big pictures. There's nothing I can do about that. But now the pages will load quicker for the best guides possible.

Bare with me - Feb 18, 2001 - RAMPAGE
I was working on the Gunman guide, and I'm using a new method for screenshots. I take a normal size screenshot, and I use it 3 times, but I don't resize it on my computer, I do it on the net. This means that even a small picture could take the time of a very large picture to load because it is the same picture, just a different size. So from now on, when you first open the page, the thumbs will take a while to load. The advantage is that enlarging the thumb will take less than mere seconds. So you can just read the walkthrough while waiting for the pictures to load. And when they do, enlarging it will take less than seconds.

Progress Zer0 - Feb 17, 2001 - RAMPAGE
Well I've been doing some work on the site, some Gunman pages, but not more than something I could do in 2 hours. Hopefully I'll get the enemies donw in a day or so, maybe the weapons over the weekend. But I doubt it.

Retiring to modeling - Feb 4, 2001 - RAMPAGE
Well everyone, I always wanted to give something back to the half-life community. I thought of mapping, but I don't know how to do that, tehn I thought of a website, which is what you see here. Considering I'm probably never gonna get this site known, I've decided to concentrate more on half-life modeling. I will still add to the site now and then, only when I'm frustrates or have modeler's block, but most of my community service is going to modeling.

Congrats GreNadeBoy! - Jan 30, 2001 - RAMPAGE
I'd like to congradulate GreNadeBoy on getting his site hosted at PlanetHalfLife. Its really an honor to get your site there, so I wanna recognize him for a job well done. I hopt to get this peive o' crap up there someday.
The Neutral Zone

No proress - Jan 26, 2001 - RAMPAGE
I've been on vacation for a week, so I'm sorry that I haven't made any progress. I'm also working on a gunman mod, which is taking quite a bit of my time. And another, I hurt my hand, so I won't be able to type much for a week or so. Im sorry everybody.
If you can either model or code, please email me we need help!

Forums! - Jan 15, 2001 - RAMPAGE
I want to give a big thanks to Bud, he has almost got the forums set up completely. I can't change the background, so its only white :( But they are a better alternative to emialing me all the time, just leave messages for me, and eachother.

Gunman fourth done - Jan 14, 2001 - RAMPAGE
Alright, I've finished the Mayan world part of the walkthrough for Gunman. It's actualy about a fifth of it, because the Ferrin Moon, is a very long level, and the Mayan world is the shortest. I did start the Ferrin Moon, but only the first step.
I also put up a Previous/Current/Next Project "meter". I put up the thre spikes, but I don't really like the way they look, so please send in something else that looks better.

Gunman and CS - Jan 7, 2001 - RAMPAGE
I've started a Gunman Chronicles guide, it would be cool to have the first Gunman guide out, but by the time I get it done, there'll probably be a few out already.
Also, I am receiving quite a bit of help on the counter-strike guide. I have gotten a weapons guide which I still need to put on then net. There is still more room for help on counter-strike, so if you're interested, email me.

Help - Dec 29, 2000 - RAMPAGE
I really need help on these walkthroughs and guides. I have someone for Counter-Strike, but I'm sure I'll need more. I'm doing the TFC guide myself, and th origional half-life. I also have alto of GUNMAN help, so nothing needed there. But If you'd like to do a singleplayer walkthrough, or help on something else, email me.

GUNMAN: Heeeelll yeah - Dec 21, 200
Hell yeah. I just got GUNMAN! Even thought there's no sound on my computer right now(my sound drive is messed up), I watched the lengthly intro movie. Damn best grafics I've seen in a computer game besides Diablo.
On another note, I've started the TFC guide. I finished the classes, but I will not put the link up until at least 3 valve maps are done. It's gonna be like a map reviewer, except I make guides. I'll update the site with news of what guides I make the what levels when I do them.

Mainframe completed - Dec 16, 2000
Ok, the main site is up. Now I'll start working on walkthroughs and guides. Hopefully I'll put up a "Current project", "Previous Project", and "Next project" thing at the top of the page. I really do need help, so email me if you want to help.

Space filler - Dec 11, 2000
Ok, I just need something to fill up some space so the anglfire banner won't be too easy to see. I'll babble about the site.
I kept looking for different hosts to get, but I couldnt find a single decent one. All of them had banners, long URLs, or just a bad setup in the web page editor. I think when I get a job, I'll make my own web host for people who are smarter than the people who think all you need is some stupid home page that says "About me and my family". Newsflash. Nobody cares.

More - Dec 11, 2000
Ok, I got the background up, but only for this page, the others are coming. Anyway, Im looking for a new host that won't put an annoying add banner up, but that I can just type in HTML, with no preformatted pages.
If any of you see this, a little help?

Opening to noone - Dec 9, 2000
Blah blah blah, Just testing thois to noone who will ever see it, making sure it will work with the small fonts for the dates and stuff. w00ty!


HL font
CS font
