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Lakeport Elementary School
Technology Plan

Plan Criteria/Summary of curricular goals

The plan references other district documents that guide the curriculum and/or establish goals and standards.

Lakeport Elementary School

The documents reviewed include the School Plan To Improve Student Performance and Lakeport Elementary School Technology Plan. Our primary goal is to increase student achievement for all students in both math and language arts, and particularly our English Language Learners who are presently achieving at a level lower than the general population.

Presently, our students receive ninety minutes of intense Success For All reading instruction at their ability level. Many students receive additional SFA tutoring to further support the acquisition of reading skills. Integrating technology into our curriculum will provide additional support for all students in the area of math, both during and after school, with the goal of increasing student achievement.

 Goals for Using Technology to Improve Teaching and Learning

The plan clearly identifies grade levels, subjects, or student populations that will be the focus for the term of the plan. The plan delineates clear, specific and realistic goals for using technology to support the districtís curriculum goals and academic content standards to improve learning.

Objective 1:

To increase the level of math and reading achievement in grades K ñ 3 for all students by providing curriculum support on iMac computers using software that addresses the standards to remediate, reinforce, and extend student learning.

End of year: (03-04)

-Analyze student achievement data to determine areas for remediation and support.

-Select appropriate computer programs to support standards-based instruction.

-Train staff in the use of adopted software

-Begin process of computer replacement in the lab

End of year 2:

-Continue to analyze student achievement data for areas of concern.

-Continue staff training.

End of Year 3:

-Continue to analyze student achievement data.

-Continue staff training

Evaluation Instruments     Schedule for Evaluation    Program Analysis and modification process
Data to be collected       

Standardized testing         Spring                                Modify to address areas of weakness

and District Assessments                             


Goals outlining how and when students will acquire technological and information literacy skills.

Plan criteria: For the focus areas, the plan delineates clear, specific and realistic goals for using technology to help students acquire technology and information literacy skills. The implementation plan clearly supports accomplishing the goal.

Objective 1: To provide the computer literacy skills necessary for students to successfully utilize curriculum related software.

End of Year 1: (03-04)

-Revise the existing K-3 computer literacy curriculum

End of Year 2:

-Investigate and evaluate appropriate software.

-Implement grade level curriculum in grades K-3

End of Year 3:

-Adjust/modify curriculum

-Adopt appropriate software


Evaluation Instruments              Schedule for Evaluation                 Program Analysis

Teacher observations                Spring                                              Modify to meet deficits

Goals for programs and methods of utilizing technology that ensure appropriate access by all students.

Plan Criteria: For the focus area, the plan delineates clear, specific and realistic goals for using technology to support the process of all students, including special education, GATE, English Language Learners, etc.

Features of Technology Training

In-Service Training

      Site based training will take place twice a month on an ongoing basis and will feature two components: a basic instruction for staff members new to the software, and a refresher course for those already experienced with the program.

New Software and Hardware      A multi-level software committee will review and critique new software and hardware to decide if it warrants inclusion in the lab.   The committee will be evaluating the programs and will prepare a database of relevant information for our staff for future reference.

Training Materials

      A wide variety of instructional books, videos, and other materials are to be made available for staff enhancement and development after being introduced at our bimonthly site training.

Software to be evaluated









Health & Nutrition






Foreign Languages




Art & Multimedia

Grade Level Computer Expectations



Second Grade


Third Grade


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Last Update: 8/18/98

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