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Voice - Controlled Surveillance Robot, a Great Place to work!

Senior Project 2003 for the CS Department of Tennessee State University!

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A robot in the making?


It is evident that the current trend in robotics research is to make mobile robots an integral part of our daily life. An important criterion to achieve this goal is the socially acceptance of these robots. Among many factors that facilitate this is the natural human-like communication. Speech is the main and most powerful communication means for human beings. The lack of a common language highly decreases the cooperation among humans. As the communication between human and machines becomes more human-like, they will be more integral partts of our daily life.

A robot with a wireless camera attached may be commanded by a human user via speech. For instance human commander may tell the robot to go to the other room and the robot may send live images from that room. The robot can also send those images over the internet.


This project is to develop a voice activated mobile robot control mechanism for Trilobots produced by Arrick Robotics Inc. A human commander should be able to direct the robot via speech such as "turn left", "turn right", "go straght fast." and so on. The robot should be able to talk to the human commander as well. In addition, the robot should be able to broadcast live images over the internet. Hardware:

1. Trilobot 1. wireless camera


A component-based architecture should be developed by using COM(Component Object Model) technology. Two main Active components should be developed to control the robot and camera. Those two components should be managed by a manager program. In addition a Java Applet should be developed for live broadcasting. Those Active controls should be integrated with the Microsoft's Speech Recongniton engine to build a complete system.