: Neopets Shop Layouts :

Here is a collection of shop layouts for Neopets users. If you aren't very good at HTML or CSS and would like a cool looking shop, then you can use one of these layouts that I have created for you. Just copy the code located underneath the screenshot of the layout of your choice and paste it into your shop description.

You may think that these layouts look very similar to the ones offered at Dizzy Cafe, but I did not copy them. I was just heavily inspired by them. I created each of these images myself and I worked very hard on them. I did not steal them from anyone. Every single image is original by me, but some of the pictures used on them were obtained from other sources.

Each layout contains a blinkie that is a link to my website. Do NOT remove this blinkie!

If you do not like any of the layouts I have available, you can request your own. Just e-mail me here. You can also Neomail me with your requests. If there is a certain image you want used, either give me a link to it or attach it to the e-mail. Also let me know if there is a certain background you want used. This is different from the userlookups because I have to create a main image and use a background. So there are 2 different things you need to specify. Remember to include your Neopets username if you want to be credited with requesting the layout.

If I happen to browse upon your shop and notice that you are using one of my layouts, I will buy something. :)

These layouts look much better in an actual shop. These screen captures don't do them justice. Try them out for yourself to get the full effect.

If you are not already a Neopets member, then to sign up.

Cherry Layout

Matching user lookup available.

Hello Kitty Layout

Matching user lookup available.

Unicorn Layout

Matching user lookup available.

Cardcaptor Sakura Layout

Matching user lookup available.

Petit Charat Layout

Ears Layout

Requested by q_tip_chic

South Park Layout

Matching user lookup available.

Sailor Moon Layout

Requestd by sailorjupiter_200013

Matching user lookup available.

Make a wish.