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This tree is right against the shed, even dented the metal corner strip. It's been over a year now and they make no effort to cut it up and remove it. I've seen Jacob June climb that tree before and believe they tied a rope to it and Wade pulled it over with his truck so nobody important could look at the RUB marks that are on the shed, because they know that a shotgun did not make the marks.

VIEW from the CONE

I told my brother to get a picture of this angle while I was in prison. Jacob June made up his lie while he was in his house and wrote it on his witness/victim statement, stating that I was standing at the edge of my land. Fact is that even if I was standing there, he would not have been able to see me. Also Tpr Edwards wrote in his investigative report, that's where I allegedly was standing. Tpr Sweet says the area was where he thought Edwards marked with ribbons. The ribbons were put there by the gas companies(CGG Veritas).

His line of sight would have been right next this oil tank, about half way up, seeing through a garbage can, 10' thick brush and tree limbs in the woods.

This is the state troopers pictures zoomed in, it appears that Tpr Benedict is breaking over the brush so as to make a line of sight possible to fit Jacob June's lie. In front of him where you see some broken over would have been in line of sight. This is also 18 days after I was arrested, there were more leaves then. Also, he no longer keeps his garbage can at the corner of his shed. As for the brush next to the tank, it grows up every year and gets about 10' high.

Picture 5-12-2012 in the spring, branches would not have had a chance to grow yet, VIEW OBSTRUCTED by them

You can see the brush next to the tank real good now that he cut a hole in the woods.

Wade June catches me taking pictures July 3, 2013 and right after I leave, he and Jacob come out with pruners and cut a hole in the woods, to open up a line of sight, where Jacob June allegedly saw me from his bike.

You can see the admittance that Jacob June could not see that location that he accused me of standing.


Troopers Sweet and Benedict go to a crime scene with their "Forensics" truck, and take 61 pictures. Not one of them is from points alleged by Jacob June, that he saw me. There should be one from his point of view while sitting on his bike, and one from his window, where he alleges he saw me walking on his property looking for shot BB's. This picture was taken by me from where his bike was sitting, to show the impossibility of his statement, my head level would be at the yellow X about 100' behind the brush. If you hold your hand 1' in front of your face and measure 3/8", that's how tall I would look that far back(looking at a person 200' away, not your computer). Tpr Sweet knew this ridiculous story wouldn't fly, so he invented his "popped out of a woodline", and tried to educate Jacob to go along with it. Tpr Sweet's place would be where the red X is, actually 55' from Jacob's statement.

NOTICE the GARBAGE CAN that would have been blocking his view

Not only the garbage can was in the way, but the brush next to the tank, you can see some were broken over, most likely trying to open a line-of-sight for Jacob June's impossible story.



Tpr Sweet and Benedict took clusters of pictures of 3 different locations where you could see Jacob June's bike

That would not have been necessayr if Jacob June had an exact place where he claimed to have seen me. He did not see me because I was not there, I set off a Polish cannon on my porch and he goes into his house, tells his mother that I might still have a gun and Sweet previously told him that I'm no longer allowed to own any guns. She calls her husband(Wade) on the phone, tells him, and he calls the police. This is why the original story told to Tpr Edwards was that I was riding my ATV in their woods with a gun. After I pissed off Edwards by blaming it on Sweet, he decides to help Sweet to make it look like it happened. He could see that the ATV on their property wouldn't work since there is no access from my property to theirs. Because I told Edwards that Jacob tried to pull my stake a few months before, he told Jacob to make it there, without looking to see that you can't even see his bike from there. These 3 scenarios were taken, in case they have to change their plans. After they took the 3 scenarios, they decided to go with the one after 37 minutes of planning. Evidence--- on times of pictures taken, all other pictures were taken in less than 1 minute between them.

Tpr Sweet's new plan for Jacob, is that he saw me standing next to a tree on their property

Jacob June's original plan was where "Tpr Edwards told him to say", that I was standing at the edge of my property next to a orange highway cone. But after they realized that it was impossible to have seen me there, because of the garbage can, brush behind it, and the branches in the woods,(see-line in RED) they had to come up with another plan. The new plan is that I was standing next to a tree on their property which is 55' from where Jacob June originally stated. But now he would have had to seen through a car or truck which is always parked there(see-line in WHITE). (YELLOW- line is the property line) NOTICE - the scale of 20ft[________] , and measure over from where his bike was. That's where he claims the shot landed at the trial. That would be next to a bush, on the side toward his bike. This would mean that I would have shot to the right of the garage and somehow the shot marked the oposite of their garage. He said 40'-30' at the preliminary trial, which puts it next to his driveway toward his bike(meaning that the shot had to have gone straight through the garage. Tpr Edwards wrote 30 yards(90') which would put it on my property between 2 rows of rocks.

Another satellite image--shows a car and a truck in that spot.


Cannot talk to this kid for more than 5 minutes before you see that he's a pathological liar, but this cop can't tell

I was only out of prison for 7 weeks, working off my community service at the firehouse. My worst neighbor that's pissed because I won't let hunt my property, mainly because I don't believe retards should have guns, decides to start harassing me. He gets his grand kids that come up every week now from the city, to do his dirty work. March 30, 3 of them come down and start walking a path in the woods close to my house as if it were a city park. I started heading toward the house and I hear one punk yell, "he's going to get a gun". Then they all take off running back to this Michael Snyder's house. Only about 20 minutes later I see them throwing branches off my piles in the woods, scattering what I cleaned up. I grabbed my Sony Bloggie and headed into the woods toward them. When I get near them they see me and run back to Michael Snyder's house and tell him that I chased them away. He comes over and looks down toward me, but says nothing. It's his idea for his grand kids to harass me.


October 6, 2013, only 1 day less than the 2 years since the punk Jacob June accused me of shooting a shotgun at him, now it starts all over again. I had just filed complaints against the 4 state troopers that came to my trial to tell lies, about 2 weeks prior. About 8:00 AM, I hear loud shots fired in my woods, so I get out of bed, grab a camcorder and head down in the woods where the shots came from. I didn't see anyone, but know that this Michael Snyder and kids were good at hiding behind trees when they see someone. I hung around awhile looking at maple trees that I could tap this winter. When I headed back to the house, I walked over near the orange cone and took a picture an the status of the brush by the tank. I went back to the house, jumped on my red ATV and drove through the woods looking for trees to cut and pick up. When I got back to my house, I grabbed a chainsaw and went over by a power pole and cut some dead trees. I put the chainsaw down and when I looked up, there was a State Trooper standing there, then 2 more moved in, all carrying AR-15s. I said "what's this all about". One says that some kids in the neighborhood said I pointed a rifle with a scope at them. I got pissed and started yelling at them. I said "I'm sick and tired of this shit, with the punk kids around here making up lies and having me arrested". I told them that Jacob June made up his lie and got away with it and now more of the scum want to see if they can do the same. But I know damn well that Michael Snyder is the one that made up the lie for them, because he was hunting my property for 2 years while I was in prison. Then this cop says "It's not a matter of whether they are telling the truth or not, but whether or not you're going back to prison". Then he says "you look like a smart person". I could see that this was a "Mafia " style warning not to be filing complaints against the state cops. He asks me if I want their services, as if they had a choice, the governor won't give me back my taxes paid to them if they decide I don't exist.

Watch here=

The cops found a toy gun on the porch and took it. They think I pointed it at the kids, and I told them it's been there for weeks. I think I'd be back in prison awaiting for another corrupt trial if not for the toy gun. When these 3 cops left, they called on the radio and once again, TROOPER SWEET comes to pick them up. It was his idea. I think he put Snyder up to harassing me, because he will not stop until I get STATE TIME for his corrupt arrests. I know this from a guy in prison that Sweet told if he testi-lied in court against this other guy, he would get him out, and he did.


I ordered a computer cable on eBay and it was sent by FedEx. They delivered it to June's house and set it by their garage doors. It was then marked delivered on their tracking system. I called them and also the sender and they claimed it to be delivered. This was the 4th time that I had something sent by FedEx and was delivered to the wrong house and the people always keep it. This time I raised hell and called the police and told them that either FedEx stole my package or one of my neighbors did. He told FedEx that they will have to go to the house where it was delivered and retrieve it. I suspected it was left at June's house because they said it was set by double garage doors next to a bank and their house fit that description. I set up camcorders recording anything around their house all day. When FedEx tried to retrieve it, I got it on video. When I called FedEx again, they claimed it was delivered, and I let them know that I had it on video. So they sent the person the next day to get it. She told me that Melissa June denied having it, and then she told Melissa June that the police were involved. So Melissa June says, she'll have to call her husband first, and she did, then she gives the package to the FedEx lady. The FedEx lady said it was the crazyest thing she ever saw, outright lying about having it, and then gives it up.

It's always people like this---will hide behind the word GOD, to try and look like a good person


December 22, Michael Snyder's kids and grand kids come up to his house. His grand kids saw me in my woods picking up branches going down along my property line. They go into their house and tell their parents that I'm in my woods. Now it's time for them to get out their guns. They have told me since I've lived here that I either need to be shot or I could be accidentally shot and left to rot in the woods. They set up plastic bottles and start shooting at them with the bullets going onto my property. Who shoots a .30 caliber rifle at targets only 20' away? I had already just come out of the woods but they didn't see me. After the shooting started, I grabbed a camcorder and went near the edge of my property and got videos. When they saw me, they push a log over, so they have a backstop behind the bottles. They only shot a couple more, then quit. As I was leaving, they decided to follow me down in the woods, most likely to try and get my camcorder. I got a video of that also. These are on youtube. When I get back to the house, I called the police and told them that Snyders were trying to "accidentally" shoot me again by shooting at random onto my property. This Tpr Myers says "Is this Mr. Crissman?" I said yes it is. He says "we aren't sending anyone up, you are just trying to retaliate". Then I asked when they were going to file the 18 PA 4906 against Michael Snyder for falsifying a report to try and have me imprisoned. He says we aren't going to do that either. Then he says you have to talk to the trooper that handled that. I asked him to look that up and he says he can't. I filed a complaint against him with Internal Affiairs. These prick cops seem to think that I'm a target now for my scumbag neighbors. If it isn't bad enough that they took away my guns, knives, bows, gunpowder and any impliments of any kind of weapons, BB guns, bullet proof vests, and even made me sign that I will not communicate with anyone that was ever in prison, afraid that I might get some help.



Michael and Dave Snyder come after me in the woods=

I have filed complaints against all the corrupt state troopers involved, all the attorneys that did me wrong, all the things the judges did to me that was just wrong or immoral, I get responses that all my complaints have been dismissed on lack of evidence and I sent evidence in on all of these. I filed complaints with the FBI against trooper Sweet 4 times now and they just totally ignore me, one of them was even before he arrested me the last time. The biggest problem is that it's me against the world and nobody cares. Any rogue cop can just go nuts and destroy anyone's life that he chooses and it's just going to happen. Apathy was always my attitude toward the justice system, because I always considered myself a law abiding citizen and assumed that I would never become a part of it. Once you become a part of it, you see the unbelievable corruption. After being in prison for 16 months, it looks like the city police do a good job on their arrests, but with anyone that has been arrested by state troopers, there is always something immoral or corrupt with the arrests. They need to abolish the Pennsylvania State Police and force cities and townships to get their own police. The State Police has become a cult of immoral scumbag punks that will all lie for each other. And now that I'm the BIGGEST LOSER, there is only one thing left.


Click for lies by the judge to the superior court