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Sell Sheet
Direct Fax
Powder Coating

Sell Sheet - With Schumacher's increased production capabilities, the company decided they wanted to increase the private label cab manufacturing segment of their business.  I created this sell sheet to be used as a tool to make other companies aware of Schumacher's capabilities as well as the benefits of out-sourcing their custom cabs.

Direct Fax - In-sourcing is a valuable source of revenue for Schumacher and with increased production capabilities, they wanted to get the word out to other area businesses that they offer a multitude of resources.  I created and sent out this direct fax to convey that message.

Powder Coating - In 2000 Schumacher gained the capability of providing powder coating.  Once they had mastered the process, they wanted to offer their services to others to provide additional revenue for the company.  This sell sheet lays out benefits, processes, and Schumacher's capabilities for potential customers.