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hey!!!! i don't know if anyone comes here anymore but hi! i just thought i would say something on here but i don't know what to say... um, check out the bands A Sure Thing, mewithoutYou, and... Hypothesis Theory!!!
Hypothesis Theory doesn't have any music on their site yet but i've heard all of the stuff they have done and it's great!!!! so check it out! they are gonna put out a ep soon (which is not-yet-titled) and it's gonna have some cool songs on it! so be sure to check out their site!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh and i am going to be putting up some new pics of me (that are old now) and some new pics of me (that haven't been taken yet) and a new site design too (that i haven't thought of yet) so be sure to check back soon! and go to the Hypothesis Theory site!
i have just updated the CYM Mosh Team web site, well i've completely re-made it so please go check it out at
and be sure to check out the new CD Reviews page on there!

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  • Web Site By: Justin Wisner with Angel Fire Basic
  • Photo's By: Seth Graham and Justin Wisner
  • Bio Written By: Justin Wisner
