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 AznGotWood's Place

Game ReviewsMovie Reviewsmp3sVideosPicsMisc.Links


Something New

Mmmmkay people, once again welcome to my very first site ever that I've made directly from scratch with all the HTML crap that I had to go through. And I'm tellin ya right now, it is very time consuming. (j/k, I cheated and used a WYSIWYG html editor hehe) WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET, for those of you that have never heard of "WYSIWYG" (pronounced "wizeewig").  It basically does all the work for you and you finish within half the time of starting from scratch.  You're probably saying, "why is he still using html?", well because I still don't have the vast knowledge that you webmonkeys possess.  Another thing, these WYSIGWYGs aren't all for the novice people alike; a lot of advanced users rely on them too because it is a faster process and they can "clean up" the imperfections as they go on these html editors.  Well anyways, I know you're bored from reading all this crap I just said so I'm just gonna get down to the nitty-gritty.  This site is just gonna be a hodgepodge of different/random things that come up in my vacuous mind along with reviews of games and movies that I think are awesome along with some DDR stuff because DDR is keen.  Yep, this is something new...for me that is.

Game Reviews are up

I've finished the first set of game reviews for your viewing pleasure.  Feel free to check them out and I hope it helps you even a little bit.  All the other areas are still under construction so bare with me people.                                                                                                              6-25-03

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