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Wal-Mart Associates Store #1035 Labrador West

To Friends & Associates Store #1035 Labrador West.
At Wal-Mart Our People Make A Difference. Chez Wal-Mart,Notre Equipe Fait Toute La Difference.

This Waterfall is a symbol of Friendship.All Who See this Site will be Friends.

We thought it would be nice to start a website on our store and the people behind it.
It all started with the news that finally a Wal-Mart store was coming to Labrador City.It was going to create jobs and help the economy.

We put in resumes and hoped for the best and we got "HIRED" For me it was overwelming when after 3 intervews I sat down with Jason and He asked me a few questions and then he stood up and said as he put his hand out "Welcome to Wal-Mart"!I never thought in my wildest dreams that after so many years not working I got a job at "Wal-Mart"!!!! Jason changed my life that day and I thank him for it from the bottom of my heart as well as Lynn and Patrick who also interviewed me.
We all went for orentation at the Two Seasons on December 8th and then for a tour of what would be "OUR" Store.It was just a very large room with nothing in it when we saw it for the first time.Fred the manager said this is your store build it! WOW!
We started to build our store December 14th,2005. It was going to be a challenge for everyone so we all got white hats and gloves and whatever else we needed to put the store together.We formed groups and started to put up the walls and the peg boards and shelving,signs,hooks,prices ect.Most of us were strangers but by the end we were good friends.

It was hard dirty work but somehow it was fun and alot of laughs.

Finally it was time to stock the store the opening was fast approching.It was due to open Januray27th and we never thought we'd make the deadline but we did!

As we continue our site we will have pics and info on all of the things we care so much about and a little about each associate and we hope we can meet and speak to associates from Wal-Marts all over the world by having a chatroom.If you have any pictures of the store or associates please send them to me so I can put them here on the site.Please sign the guest book before you leave.Thanks!
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This Irish Blessing is for all Our Associates.

Just a little something for Darlene as she likes Nascar and Tony Stewart.

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