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Chicken Fight 1: Hey Bryan!
DJ SiN 2257: hi
Chicken Fight 1
: hows it goin?
DJ SiN 2257: alright, u
Chicken Fight 1
: pretty good pretty good, tired
DJ SiN 2257: cool
Chicken Fight 1
: how was your turkey dat?
Chicken Fight 1: day?
DJ SiN 2257: it was alright
DJ SiN 2257
: i woke up and ate right away
Chicken Fight 1
: jeez what time?
DJ SiN 2257: like 3pm
Chicken Fight 1
: Wow what time did you go to bed?
DJ SiN 2257: i forgot
Chicken Fight 1
: :-)
DJ SiN 2257: think i could talk to ya about some serious stuff for like 5 mins?
Chicken Fight 1
: sure
DJ SiN 2257: is there an us? or was there ever and us? and if so, where do you see us going in the future?
Chicken Fight 1
: Well I don't think there ever was a real us, I like doing stuff with you but I don't think we ever did anything as more than just freinds, I don't know where it will go in the future yes there may be an us I don't really know
DJ SiN 2257: is there a reason why you don't want us together?
Chicken Fight 1
: did I say that?
DJ SiN 2257: you never said that, cuz i was just asking if there is a reason why you dont want us together
Chicken Fight 1
: Well there is no reason that I don't want us together
DJ SiN 2257: i'm just kinda confused, cuz i've been trying to get with you.. and if i've been trying, then i wonder why we're not a couple..
Chicken Fight 1
: I don't know.....
DJ SiN 2257: well then is there a reason why you've kina been ignoring me for the past 2 weeks?
Chicken Fight 1
: i don't really know what you mean
DJ SiN 2257: well we rarely talk during a week, if at all
DJ SiN 2257
: and you haven't been online or contacted me at all.. and when i do see you at school, you just give me a cold shoulder most of the time
Chicken Fight 1
: I'm sorry if seems that way
DJ SiN 2257: it's not me that's imagining it, it's you that's doing it
DJ SiN 2257
: you don't say bye to me, and halfway through our conversation you go off with a different friend, that's not really making me feel very wanted
DJ SiN 2257
: i just want to know what's going on with you.. and if you want to be with me.. cuz if you dont, i need to know that so i can stop going after you.. if you're just busy all the time, then that's fine, but let me know that.. cuz i'm getting frustrated every day, then going to jenny to ask if you're mad at me, or if you don't like me anymore
Chicken Fight 1
: Don't bother asking jenny if I'm mad at you or what not if anything like that happens which I highly doubt will I will tell you.... I don't know what to say because I don't really know. I don't really know what I want and that is what I have been trying to figure out
DJ SiN 2257: what are your reasons for not being with me, do you know?
Chicken Fight 1
: I don't even know the answer to the question let alone the reasons yet
DJ SiN 2257: then how can you be debating this in your head?
Chicken Fight 1
: what?
DJ SiN 2257: well if you're trying to figure this out, then what are you figuring out
Chicken Fight 1
: I trying to figure out what I want, what any of my feelings mean... I am trying to figure out what it is I want
DJ SiN 2257: do you want me?
Chicken Fight 1
: Did I not just say that I didn't know?
DJ SiN 2257: sorry, i was just asking
DJ SiN 2257
: maybe i'm just a little bit more sure of what i want in a relationship
DJ SiN 2257
: you have to realize tho, i'm confused about all this stuff to.. so it's just as hard for me
Chicken Fight 1
: I guess it just comes a little bit slower to me
DJ SiN 2257: but i do know that i want you, for whatever it means..
Chicken Fight 1
: and it does mean something to me
DJ SiN 2257: maybe i should start focusing on someone that can want me as i want them
Chicken Fight 1
: or maybe you need to give me time to figure it all out
Chicken Fight 1: ............
DJ SiN 2257: there's no guarantee in that, there's no guarantee that you'll even figure it all out
DJ SiN 2257
: it's bee a while since we've met, and even longer since we started talking
Chicken Fight 1
: That's part of relationships bryan
DJ SiN 2257: it's not part of a friendship, so why am i dealing with relationship problems when you're only thinking of a friendship
Chicken Fight 1
: what makes you think I'm only considering freindship?
DJ SiN 2257: that's all we have now, that's why
DJ SiN 2257
: and it's not even a strong friendship, compared to most, and i don't mean that in a bad way
DJ SiN 2257
: it's just we never talk, or anything.. and friends do
Chicken Fight 1
: I know that's all we have, and I trying to figure out if I want more or not, and I'm sorry if it does take me a while to react, That's just me
DJ SiN 2257: is the reason you dont know yet because of me, or is it cuz of you accepting the fact that you like guys
Chicken Fight 1
: I don't know
DJ SiN 2257: well i hope you find out the answers to the questions you've been asking yourself
DJ SiN 2257
: and i hope everything works out for you in life
DJ SiN 2257
: let me know when you know where you stand with me, i'll be waiting
Chicken Fight 1
: thank you for waiting when I know I will tell you
Chicken Fight 1 signed off at 10:13:20 PM.
Chicken Fight 1 signed on at 10:13:48 PM.
Chicken Fight 1 signed off at 10:14:31 PM.