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Man Seeking Any Employment Opportunities in Fayetteville, North Carolina

Carl's planning process for retirement

What I'm looking for in a job

Welcome to Carl D. McGaha's Home Page
Carl's 2nd Page
Carl's Photograph

Thank you for visiting my page at retirement planning page. I am presently a Master Sergeant in the U.S Army currently stationed in Vicenza, Italy however deployed to Iraq since March. In March 2004 I will begin my transition out of the military to the civilian world after serving 20 years in the military. I will need any advise or assistance from anyone out these that can help me with any type of employment opportunities that exist in the Fayetteville, North Carolina area. Please do not hesitate to email anytime if you have any ideas, solutions or job leads. Please also understand this is my first web page I've ever constructed so it will be constantly improved.Thank you for your time and please come back and visit again! Carl McGaha
