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Songs and Albums

Here you can find example songs (just clips due to limited space) and our albums. Any album listed here is available for sale, check the Contact area for more info.

"With Inhuman Vigor"

Released in 2003. This is our most ambitious project to date. We used quite a bit of guitars and vocals, a major departure from the last two albums. Most of the songs could be categorized as industrial, and they are a lot more heavy and angry than our previous works.


[01] - Manhattan
[02] - Overload
[03] - Nevermore
[04] - Finality
[05] - Broken Glass
[06] - Battery Acid Blues
[07] - Happy
[08] - You'll Never
[09] - Phase Down
[10] - Mechanaut
[11] - Revolution: Spark
[12] - Bitter Pill
[12] - Funtional Unit
[14] - Moment
[15] - Wasteland


Released in 2003.


[01] - Into the Film
[02] - Last Sunday
[03] - World of Dreams
[04] - Haunted Forest
[05] - Mystify
[06] - Afterlife
[07] - First Contact
[08] - Ozark
[09] - Two Parts Nitrogen
[10] - Shifting Sand
[11] - Fringe Science
[12] - Outskirts
[13] - Fantasy
[14] - Humanize
[15] - Ambivalence
[16] - Knockout
[17] - Celeste
[18] - Night of the Moth
[19] - Dissolution

"Food for Thought"

This is the first official ALTAiR album, produced and released in 1999.


[01] - Aphrodite's Inferno
[02] - Thoughts of You
[03] - North Signal
[04] - Mystical Aire
[05] - Technomage
[06] - Sideshifter
[07] - Pleasure
[08] - Outer Orbit
[09] - An Evening in the Garden
[10] - Pinnacle#12
[11] - Brainwaves
[12] - Centrifuge
[13] - Uplift
[14] - Wishes
[15] - PowerTrip
[16] - Shangrizaad
[17] - AnaLogarithm