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Tom Brokaw: I'm here with, ahhh, ALTAiR... the ahhh, Princelike Pioneers of Shadow ahhh Synth. We ahhh, hear they have managed to ahhh, master the long fabled techiquaaaaaaaaaah of ahhhh mental powers...

Erik: Yes, we can easily hold conversations at speeds like no other.

TB: Well, ahhhh, how does th-

Casey: By reading your mind and answer the question you're about to ask before you're even fully sure you're about to ask it and then it seems to you-

Aaron: -as if you no longer need to ask it because you already knew-

Erik: -it.

TB: I -

ALTAiR: - see.

TB: Ahhhh, -

Erik: Well, not exactly.

Casey: Yeah that would just be too difficult to pull off what with the FBI and all.

Aaron: Yeah, what kinda question is that anyways?


Aaron: Well, still.

TB: -It's a valid quest... oh. Have you-

Casey: It would be pointless to teach others-

Erik: -this fine art be-

Aaron: -cause it can be misused.

TB: A-

Erik: Of course!

TB: -re you going to release an albu... hey c'mon. I'm getting-

Aaron: -confused? Naturally. And that rash'll clear up soon, quit fidgeting, we know you're not just getting comfy.

Erik: Back to our album...

Casey: It's going to be called Operation:Mindcrime.

TB: Isn't-

Aaron: Yeah, Queensryche. Geoff Tate will sing on the album and it'll be-

Casey: Operation:Mindcrime as told by ALTAiR!

TB: So-

Erik: -there you have it!

Casey: ALTAiR-

Aaron: -is capable of-

TB: ALTAiR is cap...

Casey: -mental powers beyond any and all comprehension!

TB: of mental power... beyond... ahhh, yeah. They said it already, huh?