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EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) Recordings by Adam Briggs

Welcome. To those that are unfamiliar with the term EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) to put it simply it's a form of communication that permits us to contact realities other than our own. Sounds far fetched doesn't it. To tell the truth I don't fully understand the principle and I'm not sure if I believe it myself. The idea is that using a simple tape recorder or random noise generation software beings, from beyond our world can get in contact with us. The theory is that these beings can manipulate the electromagnetic properties of recordings to simulate voices and therefore speak to us. It has been said that these beings range from ghosts, extra terrestrials, intelligent life that has not been born of a physical body yet and even angels. Personally I have no idea who or what can get in contact with us but as you will see I have recordings that may possibly be from other life.

EVP is not a new concept and I have only just stumbled across it. In fact scientific pioneers such as Guglielmo Marconi and Nikola Tesla are said to have experimented with early concepts of the principle. Research into the phenomenon began as early as 1950 and the recent boom in EVP research is party due to the internet. Now it is very easy to record samples and distribute them across the world wide web.

My discovery of the concept came about after listening to a net broadcast of the Jeff Rense show where Mr. Rense was discussing with EVP enthusiast Sandra Belanger a process of using software namely EVP Maker to record mysterious messages. After the show I intended to download the software and disprove the idea. I felt that there was some hidden trick to it and that the concept of EVP was a hoax or at best pure coincidence. That afternoon I downloaded the program (EVP Maker) and I set about making my own recordings. For those that don't know the process involved EVP Maker uses raw audio which it samples random pieces from and the out put is a random selection of that audio. The samples that it uses range from 10 milliseconds to several thousand milliseconds. The raw audio that I used was a recording of around 30 minutes of Australian News Radio. To ensure that the output would indeed be random I broke up the recording into several pieces and put them back together in random order. After this I loaded the raw material into EVP Maker and proceeded to create a selection of wav. files in order to examine the end out come. I set the sampling rate to range from 10 milliseconds to 350 milliseconds in order to create a smaller scope of chance. The next step is to ask out loud a question and the theory is that the beings from the other side that hear you will manipulate the random nature of the out put and place the samples into intelligible form.

My first tentative question was: "Is anyone there?" To which I could not discern any form of response. So I posed a second question: "What can you see?" again the out come was quite chaotic however on playing it back I thought I heard my name (Adam) spoken. That out put was far to fast for me to be sure so using an audio editing program I slowed the piece. Playing it back I became quite startled as the out put became: "I'm in a war Adam, hostage". When choosing the audio which would be used as raw material I made sure that the name Adam or Briggs was not spoken as I believed part of the trick would be your own name in order to somewhat fake a response. So when I clearly heard "Adam" I was terrified.

I have continued to create further recordings with the intention of uncovering any coincidence but so far I have become more certain that perhaps messages can be generated using this concept. Alternatively another method is to use a conventional tape recorder set up to collect purely ambient noise or white noise again the theory is that these entities will manipulate the electromagnetic nature of the tape in order to communicate. I am currently testing this phenomenon also.

Below are my recordings so far. Please be skeptical but not irrational. I am asking any one with ideas, suggestions or theories to contact me at this email address

Thank you - Adam Briggs. Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.


1) Within the transcripts below I offer alternatives to words such as: word/alternative
2) I have also included thoughts and ideas situated with brackets ( )
3) These transcripts are how I hear the tracks. Some people hear different this and for this reason I am open to any suggestions.
4) Due to the nature of the recordings I advise that you use head phones to listen to the tracks. Unfortunately speakers supplied with most computers distort the recordings dramatically.


Message 1 April 13th 2002
Question: "What can you see?"
Response: "I'm in a war Adam, hostage"
Reversed Response: "Is, not was. No one near"

Message 2 April 13th 2002
Question: "Where are you?"
Response: "(groaning sound) In the debt for crime, and that's all I am (garbled
sounds) followed by Jesus the prostitute"

Message 3 April 13th 2002
Question: "What did you do?"
Response: "We from the life. He said I'm going to prove you mentioned heaven"
Reversed Response: "Weirdness. Very pert that one is in Ballina. You" *Note: I used to live in a little seaside town in New South Wales called Ballina.

Message 4 April 13th 2002
No Question
Response: "The solid boy who was talking to me was about to not in fact a story" "Note: I'm pretty thick set
Reversed Response: "You know we are proceeding ethnic on earth man there's a window. He'll tell us it"

Message 5 April 13th 2002
No Question
Response: "It's an obvious cooperation Adam is it dead set with your radio"
Reversed Response: "We live close (garbled sounds)"

Message 6 April 13th 2002
No Question
Response: "Think about the end potential. I should have known"
Reversed Response: "In touch with us. No difference there"

Message 7 April 13th 2002
Question: "How can I help you?"
Response: "They asked you and they said that you could not"
Reversed Response: "On the beginning they teach us there's no easy target"

Message 8 April 13th 2002
Question: "What do you want?"
Response: "Figure out and speak. Then there's a person he shot dead and the next morning suffer"
Reversed Response: " (I can't understand the first part?) comes in and then oh she (something?) but then he snapped over again"

Message 9 April 16th 2002
Question: I was asking for anyone at all to contact me. *See Message 3 in Longer Recordings to get the next part of my short conversation.
Response: "Adam Briggs"


Message 1 April 15th 2002
Question: "Talk to me if you can"
Response: "Ambush some gathered terrorist. These here members of our kind/Al queda. The red ocean is near to the law/lord. Immersed is their evil. This should not happen. Terrorists here looking Adam. The law/lord came near to this shore. They are opposite the law. The law should be."

Message 2 April 15th 2002
Question: "I will help but what should I do?"
Response: "Lockson (maybe the name of the voice) Hello voice my name Adam. Tell the men they should not to drug soldiers. But they should begin war soon. Will be. The war shall devastate Newcastle of wool. Yes. Might a tear cut down." *Note Newcastle is where I live. However it could be a double meaning for new empire.

Message 3 April 16th 2002
Question: "If someone is there then please talk to me"
Response: "Move back please. Sit in the box. Once you move we'll talk" *Note This was pretty weird. I sit at my desk with my feet resting on an upturned box and there was no way I was going to sit in the box so the conversation ended there. I couldn't get anything else from them.

Message 1 April 16th 2002
I set up a tape recorder gathering ambient sound as I worked at my computer silently responding to emails this evening. No one entered the room while I worked and I didn't speak a word however when I played back the taped the words: "Damn Computer" were spoken in a disjointed and dislocated soft male voice. And no it wasn't me. I hate my computers but I use far worse language at them. At the moment I don't have a version of that track available to post on the site. There is just way to much static and unfortunately saving it as a computer file makes it worse. Once I get the file cleaned up I'll post it. So check back.

I would like to get some things off my chest now that you have heard the recordings. I have received a LOT of mail about my recordings and I want to get some things straight. Most importantly: THIS IS NOT A HOAX!

First: The way EVP Maker works is it pulls random tiny snippets (anywhere from 10 ms to several 1000 ms) of audio from your raw material and jumbles it then lays it out as one track. Something that disturbs me is that it lays the audio heading one way: forward. Which adds an interesting twist to the fact that I can hear messages backwards as well.

Second: I understand that many people are creating hoaxes at every given opportunity in order to discredit paranormal research and so on. I want you to know that I am not one of those people. I have nothing to gain from saying that I may have possibly made contact with the other side. But I do have a lot to lose. I'm asking for opinions from other people to see what they think of my recordings. Myself, well I'm still not quite convinced. I basically want to determine whether I actually have something here.

Third: Getting back to my recordings. I just want to make something clear. This after noon I received an email from one group saying that my recordings were possibly too clear and that I may have fabricated them. That is not so. As far as I can tell in order to do that I would need to record individual words and place them in order to fabricate the sentences that I would need. I admit that this could be done but for the amount of recording that I have I don't think anyone could possibly do that in 2 days. Also many of the recordings say things both backwards and forwards. I have no idea how anyone could possibly make audio do that. Let alone in 2 days.

Fourth: Once again I will say; I have nothing to gain from fabricating recordings. I'm not selling anything and I sure as hell can't expect to get famous from it. I am merely looking for suggestions from others and if these recordings aren't just chance then I may have uncovered invaluable information.