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8085 Tutorial

8085 Simulator homepage
How 8085 simulator works? You must follow the exact instructions as given in chronological order to take a tutorial 8085. The programme is written from the Code Key Pad. Coding sheet will automatically able and disable buttons according to instruction. This prevents any wrong instruction and helps in learning the syntax of instructions too. Enter an instruction. MOV A,B. Click on the MOV button , then Click the A button and then the B Button. You will find that the correct Machine Code for this instruction would be written in the Code Window in the Code Grid. Then Click MVI and then B and then from the Numbers enter 3 and then 4. You would find that as soon as your instruction got completed the Code Grid would have recognized that it was a two byte instruction and entered the correct Machine Codes at the correct memory locations. Now lets go for a 3 byte instruction that involves an address. You will see that it would have got entered as well. Hit HLT now before moving on to next step Click the STEP. Now click arrow button to execute first step. Grid at right side shows all the Register States , flag states as well as other details as the programme gets executed And you would find that the your first instruction would have got executed. You would find that the contents of Register B has been copied into Register A. Click on STEP again. you would find that your next instruction would have got executed. Then Click STEP again. Your third instruction and then the program halts. You can always hit RESET if any errors occur. It will set the registers content to all 20's.Now press RESET to go to initialization state and now hit RUN. You see the contents of registers change at once. Now hit File and select save.  Now hit File-New.  Now hit File-Open and select the previously saved file. See the contents of the file.