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Priciples of Ecoism
Five general areas of effective action:

1. Transport
2. Food
3. The heavy parts of home
4. Activism
5. Spirituality

Making changes in these areas of your life has a guaranteed impact on water pollution, air quality, global warming, habitat preservation and (most importantly) spiritual well-being.

The specifics here are not going to surprise you. Cut out or cut down on driving, live close to work, take mass transit when possible, walk or bike when you can, buy the smallest car for your needs and advocate for transit alternatives in your area. Personal cars and trucks really do spew pollutants, from birth through death. Therefore, going car-free is one of the most significant actions you can take to reduce your impact and set a positive example for others.

It turns out that food-purchasing choices are important as well. If we cut down our meat consumption and buy organic when possible, we will also be reducing our consumption of land and water and our contributions to the pollution of both. We can begin to implement positive daily food and transit changes now, in big or little steps.

Influential changes at home are going to be long-term projects, especially the decision about where we live - ideally in the smallest house for our needs, close to our work and shopping. Of course, if this is not your current situation, you'll have to wait until it comes time to move. Group house living is another eco-friendly move which allows one to share resources. Your other foci at home should be energy efficiency in the home itself and large appliances within it.

Now, some thoughts about activism: It doesn't necessarily mean picketing. At its core it means magnifying our influence on public policy and our immediate community via whatever tactics are at our disposal. It is imperative to phone legislators, donate to environmental groups, plant gardens, speak at public events, do whatever we can to incorporate ecoism as a permanent consideration in all decisions. Conscientious shopping is not equal to or a substitute for activism.

Finally, try and develop a spiritual connection with Mother Earth. Connectivity may come in the form of meditation, prayer, music, dance or simply a frequent acknowledgment that we live in a very special place in the universe. 'Spiritual connectedness' can be a very effective way to keep your life on the right track. cvwzx23p.