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Re: [PROTEL EDA USERS]: Exclude Part from PCB

If you don't want the footprint of a part to show up in the PCB, the simplest
thing is to double-click that part in your schematic and set the the "footprint"
field to empty (or a non-existent footprint name like "NOPCB"). Then ignore
"footprint not found" warnings.

To keep the synchronizer from whining about "footprint not found", make a
special footprint in the footprint library (named something like "NOPCB") that
has no copper. (Perhaps give it a little bit of bottom-side silkscreen to make
it easier to find, select, and globally hide the Comment (also known as the Part
Type) and the Designator).

Alternatively, you could draw a picture of the part using the "Drawing Tools"
(as opposed to the Wiring tools). Drawings and Annotation are treated as
comments, and don't get passed to the PCB. (Then you don't have to worry about
the Comment and Designator text showing up on the PWB silkscreen). But then this
part doesn't get passed to the simulator, either.

"Melvin Stevens" <> on 2000-10-19 07:11:47 AM

Can someone tell me if there is a way to exclude a part from being included
in the PCB?  For example say setting the part type to something like

Melvin Stevens----