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Chandler Telecom Inc.
"Planetary Communications"

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In 1990, a miniature mom-and-

pop telecommunications company was born. This

birth was a direct result of the downsizing of a

large company which will, for the purposes of this

article, simply be referred to as "Fortune 10".
Operated at its inception out of the basement of

the owners residence, on Global Court, the mini-

company, Global Communications Group, began with

two employees, Robert Colee and his wife Anne.

There were just two customers: a medium sized

company and a fortune 500 company. Global not only

repaired and refurbished "Fortune 10" telephone

systems but it managed to achieve this at lower

prices, quicker turn-around time, and an absense

of the red tape which typically plagued bigger

companies. Word of Global's fast, accurate,

inexpensive, personalized service gradually

spread. Soon Global had many customers and some

new employees. The first new employees were

garnered, for the most part, from the Colee's

friends and family and other slightly disrgruntled

ex-Fortune 10 employees. If you can't join them

fight them!!! Like its biblical counterpart,

David, little Global put up a good fight against

many of the Goliath-like inequities besetting

bigger companies. Of course, being only human,

Global made its share of mistakes. It had the same

problems with office politics and faulty company

alliances that beset virtually all companies, at

one time or another. Through all adversities,

through all times, good and bad, Global managed to

prevail. In 1992 Global incorporated. With an eye

to getting accounts in the ex-Soviet Union,

particularly Russia, Global worked with many

American companies to form strategic alliances in

Russia, especially in the field of

telecommunications. Global published a bilingual

newspaper, "The Global Communicator". The Colees

wrote a series of articles,

"The Russian Adventure",
detailing some of

their findings. Colee made a business trip over to

Russia, spending one week, each, in Moscow and St.

Petersburg. After Global had made tenative joint

ventures with two companies in Russia, the bottom

fell out of the Russian economy, making it

impracticle for Global to continue its business

plans with the country. Incidently, the technology

which Global proposed in 1993, for Russian

telecommunications, was later allowed for

implementation in the United States

Telecommunications Act of 1996. Global carried on,

moving out of the Colee's residence, and into its

own building, in 1994. In the next couple of

years, Global was doing well enough financially,

so that it decided to expand its business into

other avenues. Global rented a second building.

The Colees set up three businesses in the new

building: a new-age bookstore, "Camelot's Curios",

a motorcycle shop, "Superbikes", and a plant

shop, "The Garden of Eden". The new building

opened in the summer of 1996, just on time for the

Atlanta Olympics. Also on time for the 1996

Olympics, Global created web sites for its parent
company, the three new companies and a site
called. "Mars Colonization". In the next couple

of years,"Camelot's" and the "Garden of Eden" were

closed for personal and financial

reasons. "Superbikes", which had been around in

various forms (albeit, sometimes on a figurative

back burner) since the early '70's, eventually

merged with Chandler Motercycles Inc." All of the

Global web sites, however remained on the Internet

(and do, to this day). In November, 1998, Global

sold the telecommunications part of its business.

In March 2000, the buyers of Global decided as far

as the "Fortune 10" product line went, they only

wanted to work on the HCX products. They paid up

their outstanding note to the Colees. They left

the Colees free to work on the "Fortune 10" DX series PABX Telephones, HD200, and EX10 products.The Colees signed a two year

non-compete clause barring them from working

on "Fortune 10" HCX products. The same

also barred them from using the "Global" name for

their "Fortune 10" business, for the same time

period. Presently, the former "Global

Communications Group" has a new name: Planetary

Communications". It operates out of the Colee's

residence, as it did at its birth. Though

Planetary still repairs and refurbishes "Fortune

10" machines, it is now focusing on Internet,

Intranet, Voice Mail, and Fax-on Demand

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