Executive Summary


Global Communications Gp., Inc.
1117 Lake Knoll Dr.
Lilburn30047> Phone: 770-638-4888 Cell:678-887-2216 Mission Statement

The birth of Global’s retail store springs from their desire to bring inexpensive workable communications solutions to the consumer, and to businesses. Our mission statement could be defined in two words: accessible communications.

The Company

Global Communications Group was formed, by Robert and Anne Colee, in June, 1990. Its primary focus was sales and repair of Hitachi PBX telephone systems. It was incorporated in 1992 and reincorporated, under the new name of Global Communications Gp. Inc. on September 7, 2001, with 10,000,000 shares of capital stock. To date the company has grossed over $3 million in sales. In response to the changing needs of the consumer, the new Global has broadened and recentered its focus. Presently, rather than limiting most of its business to one brand, Global sells a wide variety of communication products and services to the consumer, in its retail location and on its Internet cybermalls.

The Concept

Global markets telecommunications items such as computers, and telephone systems and offers services such as computer repairs and upgrades. Global also has an Internet Cafe and offers classes, consulting, and training in beginner and intermediate Computer and Internet Websites. In an economy that is headed toward recession, Global can see the need for inexpensive, uncomplicated communications solutions. In a country where even the U.S. Mail has slightly destabalized, of late, Global can foresee an increasing demand for e-mail services, electronic transfer of funds and other electronically involved functions. Global stands out from most of the rest in the range of what it of what it offers. Among the things that Global offers in the way of incentives are free affiliate Internet websites and e-mail, computer and internet classes starting at $25 for 3 hrs. instructor time and 8 hrs computer time, and Gold Club Introductory Memberships which allow members a discount on Internet Cafe and some other services.

Global is located in a well maintained 14 unit strip mall. Among the other businesses---all 14 units are currently occupied---are a Drycleaners, Lucky's Game Parlor, a Barber Shop, Morgan Nails, a Ryder's Moving Service, Kirby Vacuum Cleaners, Antojito's Mexican Restaurant, Saca Spa, Twin Garden's Chinese Restaurant and Pufferbelly's Bar & Grill. Income (at full occupancy) from rent is $300,936/year. It needs to be noted that Lucky's Game Room will be vacant after December. At that time it will be feasible that Global could move the Internet Cafe portion of its business in the vacant building, while continuing to operate the remainder of its business out of its present location. (Lucky's is currently located in Suite #2, two doors down from Global.) We estimate that this property is potentially worth as much as $3.3 million, but the current asking price is $2.6 million.

This business plan, thus far deals with Global as it stands now. But we would be remiss in dealing with our "concepts" if we failed to make mention of the potentially very lucrative directions Global plans to head in the fairly near future:

When and if we move the Global Computer Cafe portion of our business to a different site, this would free some of our present location up to embark on the second phase of our Plan: the Super Computer Project. This involves linking over 200 Pentium-2 - Pentium-4 together in a paralell processing mode. This will place Global in a position of being one of the top 500 class of super computers in the world. The projected time line for this project is 1 year. After that time computing time could be rented out at fair market value.

The third phase of our plan involves the research, development, marketing and sales of alternate energy sources, such as the P.E.M. fuel cell. As the prices for conventional energy continue to skyrocket, there will be ever increasing demand to meet energy demands in a more cost efficient way.

The Management

Global has always operated under a few firm principles and policies:

1) A good, fair deal for everyone - If employees and customers alike remain contented, that leads to repeat business and harmonious working relationships.
2) Priced within workable budget - As the economy shifts toward a slowdown, customers will be ever vigilant about pricing.
3) Fast, accurate work - Since its inception, Global has made a name for itself with the speed and accuracy of its work.
4) A product guarantee - All Global work and products are guaranteed.
5) Customer satisfaction - Global knows that their customers are the most important people. If a customer is not satisfied, Global has not done its job.

Global is a closely held corporation. Its current management team consists of two people:

Robert Colee - President, Director of Sales and Engineering: Mr. Colee brings a wide array of competencies to his job, acquired in over 40 years in things such as Telecommunications, Aerospace, Mechanical, Business, Sales, and Managerial skills. He has over 18 years of hands-on Computer experience and 6 years of Web experience.

Anne Colee - Vice President: Ms Colee has over 20 years of Managerial and Personnel manager and Editorial experience

We have formed relationships with key advisors, Lonnie Vo, Property Manager , Charmin Silver, C.P.A., Renee Vandiver, Manager/Art Director,and Angela Alexander, Advertising Executive

We also have numerous vendors with whom we deal including Atlantic International, Computime, Freels Enteprises etc.

The Market

Global has found that the desire to have, learn more about, have upgrades on, send e-mails on computers and Internet cuts through virtually all age, sex and socio-economic levels. In our local market our store will be our showplace for products, service, training & seminars In the national and international arena, our customers will be garnered through our Internet presence and various trade publications.

. According to the Computer Industry Almanac (March 20, ‘98): 203.4 out of 1000 people (or roughly 1/5) in the U.S.A. had internet access. Projections for the year 2000, showed 478 out of 1000 people (or almost half) in the U.S.A. would have Internet access. The February 2000 edition of the above named source named the Top 10 most “Wired” cities i.e.cities with the most Internet. San Francisco was number one with 61% of its people subscribing to the Internet. Atlanta, with its population of 1.3 million was number 9. The same source indicated that close to half of American households had computers with 700 new computer connections per hour nationwide and that 9 out of 10 schoolchildren had access to the computer.

All these statistics go to show one thing: Computers and Websites are an ever increasing business. There are many stores, big and small, that sell and repair computers and there are other internet cafes. Global stands out from its competition by offering more services. Global seeks to become a one stop shopping for those with all manner of Computer and Internet needs.

The Finance Requirements

Our entrance equity in our new telecom business, to date, is around $250,000. Much of this is in the form of hard assets and intellectual property. Our earning projections for the next three years are as follows:
1st year - $360,000
2nd year - $396,000
3rd year -$435,600
Please note, these are conservative estimates, reflecting an increase of approximately 10% / year.

The amounts currently required are $200,000 for Global.The funds will be used for stepping up things such as our advertising, product line and staff and meeting our overhead costs while augmenting our business.

We will offer our investor(s) up to 50% of the net profit when and if the building sells and/or up to 39% of Global Preferred Stock. We are also open to investors suggestions and negotiations in this matter.

The occasion for investor exit is scheduled to occur between months 54 and 84. At this time Global will be looking toward the selling of its real estate and business. The potential for investor exit will be an IPO or a strategic aquisition by a corporate holding.

It almost goes without saying that as we continue to formulate and finally implement Phase 2 (the Super Computer Project) and Phase 3 (the Alternate Energy Project) of our Master Global Plan, (projected time line within the next 2 - 3 years) investors will have more oppurtunity than ever to realize untold financial gains from this.

Income Statement


Internet Cafe.......................................3,000...............................100
Computer Sales/Upgrade...................15,000...............................500
Cellular Sales.......................................3,000...............................100
Miscellaneous Electronic Sales.............3,000...............................100
Web Site Development.........................3,000...............................100
Miscellaneous Sales..............................3,000...............................100