Summer Loving

The sun baked warm on her skin as her hand skimmed the pool water. She lay on her stomach beside the deep end... just basking. Her bathing suit was dark so every few minutes she dipped her hand in the water and dripped the cold pool water on her head.

He watched from a lounge chair. The book he had brought out, long forgotten. His drink diluted.

He watched as she crossed and uncrossed her feet... then brought them to her butt... then lowered them again.

He couldn't ignore the pressure in his crotch. But he was content, for now, to just enjoy her.

Her long auburn hair was splayed against her tanned skin, her back freckled, her eyes covered by Oakley sunglasses. She rolled to her back and he noted the sweat marks on her abdomen and stomach. Her nipples strained the material. Shading her eyes she smiled at him.

"Come sit by me, love?"

He retrieved 2 cold cans from the ice chest and went to her. She jerked as he dragged a cold diet coke along her inner thigh. His pulse skipped as she arched up in surprise.

"You brat," she said smiling.

Then heaved her hand up, spraying him with the cold pool water.

"Who's the brat?" he asked as he grabbed her and tugged her into the water.

Laughing and sputtering they both submerged. Her hand shot out and dunked him.

"I hope you know mouth to mouth baby," he choked.

"Nope," she replied as she pulled him under again.

Kicking out she swam to the shallow end. When he came up for air she wiggled her fingers at him.

"You think you can handle 3 feet?" she asked as she gripped the side and started kicking her feet.

"Only if you play fair." He answered as he caught up and took her foot in his hand.

She laughed.

Looking in her eyes he lowered his mouth and tasted the chlorine water dripping from her ankle.

"Even chlorine tastes good on you."

Her face heated and not from the sun. Her head fell back as his hand skimmed her leg and his mouth tugged at her toes. Producing an audible sigh. He kissed his way up her leg, pulling her legs around his hips. Her legs wrapped around him and they were drowning. Her lips melting into his as his hand skimmed her now bare breasts. Tugging a nipple into his teeth and running his tongue over it, she moaned.

His hand slipped lower. Sparking a fire in her stomach. She pulled him closer as her legs tightened around him. The hand caressing her stomach knew her well. The tremors under his fingertips guiding him. Spurring him on. Her lips parted as she gasped. His mouth meeting hers. He breathed her sigh as his hand traveled even lower. Trying to peer behind her glasses he met only his reflection. But her breathing told him all he needed to know.

Her suit tugged down and his mouth skimmed the rest of her upper body. Feeding on the warmth. She arched up as his hand slid across her butt. She could feel him as their bodies ground together. Him pulled her even closer.

Inhaling, he absorbed the scents of her... the shampoo in her hair... the perfume at her throat... the sunscreen on her body. His arousal pressed against her thigh. She sighed and stroked him through the cloth.

Bending her back over the pool's edge he pushed into her. On a gasp and shudder, she bit into his shoulder. Their bodies were as one as the sun beat down and the water washed around them. Thrusting easily, he cupped her butt and she dug her heels into his back. Their rhythm caused the water to churn and sway. She arched up as he pulled out and pushed in... repeatedly. Her body was weakened by want and the summer heat. The cold water lapping at her hips, as he pressed her legs between them.

Drumming her feet on his shoulders, she whimpered as he sighed. Trembling they exploded together.

His mouth kissing her face. Using each other for support. They began again.