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Quake III: Arena Level Editing Tool

Goal of Project
Learn basics of QERadiant. Includes brush creation and manipulation, texturing basics, shader basics, prefab creation and utilization, and optimization techniques.
Create a map that demonstrates these basic features and certain features of the Quake III game engine.

Download latest version of QERadiant, its manual, and the shader manual from Quake3Mods or Quake3World. Current version is 197.
Locate online tutorials to steepen the learning curve. We primarily used Q-Workshop 3 but also found and
Go through tutorials and familiarize ourselves with the interface.
Plan and design our own level, listing the features we wish to include.
Construct our level, custom textures, and shaders.

Other Tools Used
Q3ASE -- shader editor with real-time previewing
GenSurf plugin -- surface mesh editor
BSPC-GUI -- Windows interface for enabling bots in your map